Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`` module implements a function for loading a
dataset from selected metadata.

.. autofunction:: load_dataset

import datetime
import inspect
from packaging import version
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import quantities as pq
import neo

from ..datasets.metadata import _abs_path
from .. import _elephant_tools

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_dataset(metadata, blk=None, lazy=False, signal_group_mode='split-all', filter_events_from_epochs=False): """ Load a dataset. ``metadata`` may be a :class:`MetadataSelector <neurotic.datasets.metadata.MetadataSelector>` or a simple dictionary containing the appropriate data. The ``data_file`` in ``metadata`` is read into a Neo :class:`Block <neo.core.Block>` using an automatically detected :mod:`` class if ``lazy=False`` or a :mod:`neo.rawio` class if ``lazy=True``. If ``data_file`` is unspecified, an empty Neo Block is created instead. If a Neo Block is passed as ``blk``, ``data_file`` is ignored. Epochs and events loaded from ``annotations_file`` and ``epoch_encoder_file`` and spike trains loaded from ``tridesclous_file`` are added to the Neo Block. If ``lazy=False``, parameters given in ``metadata`` are used to apply filters to the signals, to detect spikes using amplitude discriminators, to calculate smoothed firing rates from spike trains, to detect bursts of spikes, and to calculate the rectified area under the curve (RAUC) for each signal. """ if blk is None: if metadata.get('data_file', None) is not None: # read in the electrophysiology data blk = _read_data_file(metadata, lazy, signal_group_mode) else: # create an empty Block blk = neo.Block() seg = neo.Segment() blk.segments.append(seg) else: # a Block was provided if not isinstance(blk, neo.Block): raise TypeError('blk must be a neo.Block') # update the real-world start time of the data if provided if metadata.get('rec_datetime', None) is not None: if isinstance(metadata['rec_datetime'], datetime.datetime): blk.rec_datetime = metadata['rec_datetime'] else: logger.warning('Ignoring rec_datetime because it is not a properly formatted datetime: {}'.format(metadata['rec_datetime'])) # apply filters to signals if not using lazy loading of signals if not lazy: blk = _apply_filters(metadata, blk) # copy events into epochs and vice versa epochs_from_events = [neo.Epoch(, times=ev.times, labels=ev.labels, durations=np.zeros_like(ev.times)) for ev in blk.segments[0].events] events_from_epochs = [neo.Event(, times=ep.times, labels=ep.labels) for ep in blk.segments[0].epochs] if not filter_events_from_epochs: blk.segments[0].epochs += epochs_from_events blk.segments[0].events += events_from_epochs # read in annotations annotations_dataframe = _read_annotations_file(metadata) blk.segments[0].epochs += _create_neo_epochs_from_dataframe(annotations_dataframe, metadata, _abs_path(metadata, 'annotations_file'), filter_events_from_epochs) blk.segments[0].events += _create_neo_events_from_dataframe(annotations_dataframe, metadata, _abs_path(metadata, 'annotations_file')) # read in epoch encoder file epoch_encoder_dataframe = _read_epoch_encoder_file(metadata) blk.segments[0].epochs += _create_neo_epochs_from_dataframe(epoch_encoder_dataframe, metadata, _abs_path(metadata, 'epoch_encoder_file'), filter_events_from_epochs) blk.segments[0].events += _create_neo_events_from_dataframe(epoch_encoder_dataframe, metadata, _abs_path(metadata, 'epoch_encoder_file')) # classify spikes by amplitude if not using lazy loading of signals if not lazy: blk.segments[0].spiketrains += _run_amplitude_discriminators(metadata, blk) # read in spikes identified by spike sorting using tridesclous spikes_dataframe = _read_spikes_file(metadata, blk) if spikes_dataframe is not None: if blk.segments[0].analogsignals: t_start = blk.segments[0].analogsignals[0].t_start # assuming all AnalogSignals start at the same time t_stop = blk.segments[0].analogsignals[0].t_stop # assuming all AnalogSignals start at the same time sampling_period = blk.segments[0].analogsignals[0].sampling_period # assuming all AnalogSignals have the same sampling rate blk.segments[0].spiketrains += _create_neo_spike_trains_from_dataframe(spikes_dataframe, metadata, t_start, t_stop, sampling_period) else: logger.warning('Ignoring tridesclous_file because the sampling rate and start time could not be inferred from analog signals') # calculate smoothed firing rates from spike trains if not using lazy # loading of signals if not lazy: blk = _compute_firing_rates(metadata, blk) # identify bursts from spike trains if not using lazy loading of signals if not lazy: blk.segments[0].epochs += _run_burst_detectors(metadata, blk) # alphabetize epoch and event channels by name blk.segments[0].epochs.sort(key=lambda ep: or '') blk.segments[0].events.sort(key=lambda ev: or '') # compute rectified area under the curve (RAUC) for each signal if not # using lazy loading of signals if not lazy and metadata.get('rauc_bin_duration', None) is not None: for sig in blk.segments[0].analogsignals: rauc_sig = _elephant_tools.rauc( signal=sig, baseline=metadata.get('rauc_baseline', None), bin_duration=metadata['rauc_bin_duration']*pq.s, ) = + ' RAUC' sig.annotate( rauc_sig=rauc_sig, rauc_baseline=metadata.get('rauc_baseline', None), rauc_bin_duration=metadata['rauc_bin_duration']*pq.s, ) return blk
def _get_io(metadata): """ Return a :mod:`` object for reading the ``data_file`` in ``metadata``. An appropriate :mod:`` class is typically determined automatically from the file extension, but this can be overridden with the optional ``io_class`` metadata parameter. Arbitrary arguments can be passed to the :mod:`` class using the optional ``io_args`` metadata parameter. """ # prepare arguments for instantiating a Neo IO class if metadata.get('io_args', None) is not None: io_args = metadata['io_args'].copy() if 'sampling_rate' in io_args: # AsciiSignalIO's sampling_rate must be a Quantity io_args['sampling_rate'] *= pq.Hz else: io_args = {} if metadata.get('io_class', None) is None: try: # detect the class automatically using the file extension io =, 'data_file'), **io_args) except IOError as e: if len(e.args) > 0 and type(e.args[0]) is str and e.args[0].startswith('File extension'): # provide a useful error message when format detection fails raise IOError("Could not find an appropriate class " \ f"for data_file \"{metadata['data_file']}\". " \ "Try specifying one in your metadata using " \ "the io_class parameter.") else: # something else has gone wrong, like the file not being found raise e else: # use a user-specified class io_list = [io.__name__ for io in] if metadata['io_class'] not in io_list: raise ValueError(f"specified io_class \"{metadata['io_class']}\" was not found in {io_list}") io_class_index = io_list.index(metadata['io_class']) io_class =[io_class_index] io = io_class(_abs_path(metadata, 'data_file'), **io_args) return io def _read_data_file(metadata, lazy=False, signal_group_mode='split-all'): """ Read in the ``data_file`` given in ``metadata`` using a :mod:`` class. Lazy-loading is used for signals if both ``lazy=True`` and the data file type is supported by a :mod:`neo.rawio` class; otherwise, signals are fully loaded. Lazy-loading is never used for epochs, events, and spike trains contained in the data file; these are always fully loaded. Returns a Neo :class:`Block <neo.core.Block>`. """ # get a Neo IO object appropriate for the data file type io = _get_io(metadata) # force lazy=False if lazy is not supported by the reader class if lazy and not io.support_lazy: lazy = False'NOTE: Not reading signals in lazy mode because Neo\'s {io.__class__.__name__} reader does not support it.') if 'signal_group_mode' in inspect.signature(io.read_block).parameters.keys(): # - signal_group_mode='split-all' is the default because this ensures # every channel gets its own AnalogSignal, which is important for # indexing in EphyviewerConfigurator blk = io.read_block(lazy=lazy, signal_group_mode=signal_group_mode) else: # some IOs do not have signal_group_mode blk = io.read_block(lazy=lazy) if lazy and isinstance(io, neo.rawio.baserawio.BaseRawIO): # store the rawio for use with AnalogSignalFromNeoRawIOSource blk.rawio = io # load all objects except analog signals if lazy: if version.parse(neo.__version__) >= version.parse('0.8.0'): # Neo >= 0.8.0 has proxy objects with load method for i in range(len(blk.segments[0].epochs)): epoch = blk.segments[0].epochs[i] if hasattr(epoch, 'load'): blk.segments[0].epochs[i] = epoch.load() for i in range(len(blk.segments[0].events)): event = blk.segments[0].events[i] if hasattr(event, 'load'): blk.segments[0].events[i] = event.load() for i in range(len(blk.segments[0].spiketrains)): spiketrain = blk.segments[0].spiketrains[i] if hasattr(spiketrain, 'load'): blk.segments[0].spiketrains[i] = spiketrain.load() else: # Neo < 0.8.0 does not have proxy objects neorawioclass = neo.rawio.get_rawio_class(_abs_path(metadata, 'data_file')) if neorawioclass is not None: neorawio = neorawioclass(_abs_path(metadata, 'data_file')) neorawio.parse_header() for i in range(len(blk.segments[0].epochs)): epoch = blk.segments[0].epochs[i] channel_index = next((i for i, chan in enumerate(neorawio.header['event_channels']) if chan['name'] == and chan['type'] == b'epoch'), None) if channel_index is not None: ep_raw_times, ep_raw_durations, ep_labels = neorawio.get_event_timestamps(event_channel_index=channel_index) ep_times = neorawio.rescale_event_timestamp(ep_raw_times, dtype='float64') ep_durations = neorawio.rescale_epoch_duration(ep_raw_durations, dtype='float64') ep = neo.Epoch(times=ep_times*pq.s, durations=ep_durations*pq.s, labels=ep_labels, blk.segments[0].epochs[i] = ep for i in range(len(blk.segments[0].events)): event = blk.segments[0].events[i] channel_index = next((i for i, chan in enumerate(neorawio.header['event_channels']) if chan['name'] == and chan['type'] == b'event'), None) if channel_index is not None: ev_raw_times, _, ev_labels = neorawio.get_event_timestamps(event_channel_index=channel_index) ev_times = neorawio.rescale_event_timestamp(ev_raw_times, dtype='float64') ev = neo.Event(times=ev_times*pq.s, labels=ev_labels, blk.segments[0].events[i] = ev for i in range(len(blk.segments[0].spiketrains)): spiketrain = blk.segments[0].spiketrains[i] channel_index = next((i for i, chan in enumerate(neorawio.header['unit_channels']) if chan['name'] ==, None) if channel_index is not None: st_raw_times = neorawio.get_spike_timestamps(unit_index=channel_index) st_times = neorawio.rescale_spike_timestamp(st_raw_times, dtype='float64') st = neo.SpikeTrain(times=st_times*pq.s, blk.segments[0].spiketrains[i] = st # convert byte labels to Unicode strings for epoch in blk.segments[0].epochs: epoch.labels = epoch.labels.astype('U') for event in blk.segments[0].events: event.labels = event.labels.astype('U') return blk def _read_annotations_file(metadata): """ Read in epochs and events from the ``annotations_file`` in ``metadata`` and return a dataframe. """ if metadata.get('annotations_file', None) is None: return None else: # data types for each column in the file dtypes = { 'Start (s)': float, 'End (s)': float, 'Type': str, 'Label': str, } # parse the file and create a dataframe df = pd.read_csv(_abs_path(metadata, 'annotations_file'), dtype = dtypes) # increment row labels by 2 so they match the source file # which is 1-indexed and has a header df.index += 2 # discard entries with missing or negative start times bad_start = df['Start (s)'].isnull() | (df['Start (s)'] < 0) if bad_start.any(): logger.warning('These rows will be discarded because their Start ' 'times are missing or negative:\n' f'{df[bad_start]}') df = df[~bad_start] # discard entries with end time preceding start time bad_end = df['End (s)'] < df['Start (s)'] if bad_end.any(): logger.warning('These rows will be discarded because their End ' 'times precede their Start times:\n' f'{df[bad_end]}') df = df[~bad_end] # compute durations df.insert( column = 'Duration (s)', value = df['End (s)'] - df['Start (s)'], loc = 2, # insert after 'End (s)' ) # replace some NaNs df.fillna({ 'Duration (s)': 0, 'Type': 'Other', 'Label': '', }, inplace = True) # sort entries by time df.sort_values([ 'Start (s)', 'Duration (s)', ], inplace = True) # return the dataframe return df def _read_epoch_encoder_file(metadata): """ Read in epochs from the ``epoch_encoder_file`` in ``metadata`` and return a dataframe. """ if metadata.get('epoch_encoder_file', None) is None: return None else: # data types for each column in the file dtypes = { 'Start (s)': float, 'End (s)': float, 'Type': str, } # parse the file and create a dataframe df = pd.read_csv(_abs_path(metadata, 'epoch_encoder_file'), dtype = dtypes) # increment row labels by 2 so they match the source file # which is 1-indexed and has a header df.index += 2 # discard entries with missing or negative start times bad_start = df['Start (s)'].isnull() | (df['Start (s)'] < 0) if bad_start.any(): logger.warning('These rows will be discarded because their Start ' 'times are missing or negative:\n' f'{df[bad_start]}') df = df[~bad_start] # discard entries with end time preceding start time bad_end = df['End (s)'] < df['Start (s)'] if bad_end.any(): logger.warning('These rows will be discarded because their End ' 'times precede their Start times:\n' f'{df[bad_end]}') df = df[~bad_end] # compute durations df.insert( column = 'Duration (s)', value = df['End (s)'] - df['Start (s)'], loc = 2, # insert after 'End (s)' ) # replace some NaNs df.fillna({ 'Duration (s)': 0, 'Type': 'Other', }, inplace = True) # sort entries by time df.sort_values([ 'Start (s)', 'Duration (s)', ], inplace = True) # add 'Label' column to indicate where these epochs came from df.insert( column = 'Label', value = '(from epoch encoder file)', loc = 4, # insert after 'Type' ) # return the dataframe return df def _read_spikes_file(metadata, blk): """ Read in spikes identified by spike sorting with tridesclous and return a dataframe. """ if metadata.get('tridesclous_file', None) is None or metadata.get('tridesclous_channels', None) is None: return None else: # parse the file and create a dataframe df = pd.read_csv(_abs_path(metadata, 'tridesclous_file'), names = ['index', 'label']) # drop clusters with negative labels df = df[df['label'] >= 0] if metadata.get('tridesclous_merge', None): # merge some clusters and drop all others new_labels = [] for clusters_to_merge in metadata['tridesclous_merge']: new_label = clusters_to_merge[0] new_labels.append(new_label) df.loc[df['label'].isin(clusters_to_merge), 'label'] = new_label df = df[df['label'].isin(new_labels)] # return the dataframe return df def _create_neo_epochs_from_dataframe(dataframe, metadata, file_origin, filter_events_from_epochs=False): """ Convert the contents of a dataframe into Neo :class:`Epochs <neo.core.Epoch>`. """ epochs_list = [] if dataframe is not None: if filter_events_from_epochs: # keep only rows with a positive duration dataframe = dataframe[dataframe['Duration (s)'] > 0] # group epochs by type for type_name, df in dataframe.groupby('Type'): # create a Neo Epoch for each type epoch = neo.Epoch( name = type_name, file_origin = file_origin, times = df['Start (s)'].values * pq.s, durations = df['Duration (s)'].values * pq.s, labels = df['Label'].values, ) epochs_list.append(epoch) # return the list of Neo Epochs return epochs_list def _create_neo_events_from_dataframe(dataframe, metadata, file_origin): """ Convert the contents of a dataframe into Neo :class:`Events <neo.core.Event>`. """ events_list = [] if dataframe is not None: # group events by type for type_name, df in dataframe.groupby('Type'): # create a Neo Event for each type event = neo.Event( name = type_name, file_origin = file_origin, times = df['Start (s)'].values * pq.s, labels = df['Label'].values, ) events_list.append(event) # return the list of Neo Events return events_list def _create_neo_spike_trains_from_dataframe(dataframe, metadata, t_start, t_stop, sampling_period): """ Convert the contents of a dataframe into Neo :class:`SpikeTrains <neo.core.SpikeTrain>`. """ spiketrain_list = [] if dataframe is not None: # group spikes by cluster label for spike_label, df in dataframe.groupby('label'): # look up the channels that this unit was found on channels = metadata['tridesclous_channels'][spike_label] # create a Neo SpikeTrain for each cluster label st = neo.SpikeTrain( name = str(spike_label), file_origin = _abs_path(metadata, 'tridesclous_file'), times = t_start + sampling_period * df['index'].values, t_start = t_start, t_stop = t_stop, ) st.annotate( channels=channels, amplitude=None, ) spiketrain_list.append(st) return spiketrain_list def _apply_filters(metadata, blk): """ Apply filters specified in ``metadata`` to the signals in ``blk``. """ if metadata.get('filters', None) is not None: signalNameToIndex = { for i, sig in enumerate(blk.segments[0].analogsignals)} for sig_filter in metadata['filters']: index = signalNameToIndex.get(sig_filter['channel'], None) if index is None: logger.warning('Skipping filter with channel name {} because channel was not found!'.format(sig_filter['channel'])) else: high = sig_filter.get('highpass', None) low = sig_filter.get('lowpass', None) if high: high *= pq.Hz if low: low *= pq.Hz blk.segments[0].analogsignals[index] = _elephant_tools.butter( signal = blk.segments[0].analogsignals[index], highpass_freq = high, lowpass_freq = low, ) return blk def _run_amplitude_discriminators(metadata, blk): """ Run all amplitude discriminators for spike detection given in ``metadata`` on the signals in ``blk``. """ spiketrain_list = [] if metadata.get('amplitude_discriminators', None) is not None: signalNameToIndex = { for i, sig in enumerate(blk.segments[0].analogsignals)} epochs = blk.segments[0].epochs # classify spikes by amplitude for discriminator in metadata['amplitude_discriminators']: index = signalNameToIndex.get(discriminator['channel'], None) if index is None: logger.warning('Skipping amplitude discriminator with channel name {} because channel was not found!'.format(discriminator['channel'])) else: sig = blk.segments[0].analogsignals[index] st = _detect_spikes(sig, discriminator, epochs) spiketrain_list.append(st) return spiketrain_list def _detect_spikes(sig, discriminator, epochs): """ Detect spikes in the amplitude window given by ``discriminator`` and optionally filter them by coincidence with epochs of a given name. """ assert == discriminator['channel'], 'sig name "{}" does not match amplitude discriminator channel "{}"'.format(, discriminator['channel']) min_threshold = min(discriminator['amplitude']) max_threshold = max(discriminator['amplitude']) spike_type = discriminator.get('type', None) if spike_type == 'peak': sign = 'above' elif spike_type == 'trough': sign = 'below' elif spike_type is None: # infer type from thresholds if min_threshold >= 0 and max_threshold > 0: spike_type = 'peak' sign = 'above' elif min_threshold < 0 and max_threshold <= 0: spike_type = 'trough' sign = 'below' else: raise ValueError('automatic spike type inference for amplitude discriminator is possible only with two nonnegative thresholds (type=peak) or two nonpositive thresholds (type=trough); otherwise, type must be given explicitly: {}'.format(discriminator)) else: raise ValueError('amplitude discriminator type must be "peak", "trough", or unspecified: {}'.format(discriminator)) spikes_crossing_min = _elephant_tools.peak_detection(sig, pq.Quantity(min_threshold, discriminator['units']), sign, 'raw') spikes_crossing_max = _elephant_tools.peak_detection(sig, pq.Quantity(max_threshold, discriminator['units']), sign, 'raw') if spike_type == 'peak': spikes_between_min_and_max = np.setdiff1d(spikes_crossing_min, spikes_crossing_max) elif spike_type == 'trough': spikes_between_min_and_max = np.setdiff1d(spikes_crossing_max, spikes_crossing_min) else: raise ValueError('type should be "peak" or "trough": {}'.format(spike_type)) st = neo.SpikeTrain( name = discriminator['name'], times = spikes_between_min_and_max * pq.s, t_start = sig.t_start, t_stop = sig.t_stop, ) st.annotate( channels=[discriminator['channel']], amplitude=pq.Quantity(discriminator['amplitude'], discriminator['units']), type=spike_type, ) if 'epoch' in discriminator: time_masks = [] if isinstance(discriminator['epoch'], str): # search for matching epochs ep = next((ep for ep in epochs if == discriminator['epoch']), None) if ep is not None: # select spike times that fall within each epoch for t_start, duration in zip(ep.times, ep.durations): t_stop = t_start + duration time_masks.append((t_start <= st) & (st < t_stop)) else: # no matching epochs found time_masks.append([False] * len(st)) else: # may eventually implement lists of ordered pairs, but # for now raise an error raise ValueError('amplitude discriminator epoch could not be handled: {}'.format(discriminator['epoch'])) # select the subset of spikes that fall within the epoch # windows st = st[np.any(time_masks, axis=0)] st.annotate(epoch=discriminator['epoch']) return st def _run_burst_detectors(metadata, blk): """ Run all burst detectors given in ``metadata`` on the spike trains in ``blk``. """ burst_list = [] if metadata.get('burst_detectors', None) is not None: spikeTrainNameToIndex = { for i, st in enumerate(blk.segments[0].spiketrains)} # detect bursts of spikes using frequency thresholds for detector in metadata['burst_detectors']: index = spikeTrainNameToIndex.get(detector['spiketrain'], None) if index is None: logger.warning("Skipping burst detector for spike train named " f"\"{detector['spiketrain']}\" because spike train was " "not found!") else: st = blk.segments[0].spiketrains[index] start_freq, stop_freq = detector['thresholds']*pq.Hz burst = _find_bursts(st, start_freq, stop_freq) = detector.get('name', detector['spiketrain'] + ' burst') burst_list.append(burst) return burst_list def _find_bursts(st, start_freq, stop_freq): """ Find every period of time during which the instantaneous firing frequency (IFF) of the Neo :class:`SpikeTrain <neo.core.SpikeTrain>` ``st`` meets the criteria for bursting. Return the set of bursts as a Neo :class:`Epoch <neo.core.Epoch>`, with ``array_annotations['spikes']`` listing the number of spikes contained in each burst. A burst is defined as a period beginning when the IFF exceeds ``start_freq`` and ending when the IFF subsequently drops below the ``stop_freq``. Note that in general ``stop_freq`` should not exceed ``start_freq``, since otherwise bursts may not be detected. """ isi = _elephant_tools.isi(st).rescale('s') iff = 1/isi start_mask = iff > start_freq stop_mask = iff < stop_freq times = [] durations = [] n_spikes = [] scan_index = -1 while scan_index < iff.size: start_index = None stop_index = None start_mask_indexes = np.where(start_mask)[0] start_mask_indexes = start_mask_indexes[start_mask_indexes > scan_index] if start_mask_indexes.size == 0: break start_index = start_mask_indexes[0] # first time that iff rises above start threshold stop_mask_indexes = np.where(stop_mask)[0] stop_mask_indexes = stop_mask_indexes[stop_mask_indexes > start_index] if stop_mask_indexes.size > 0: stop_index = stop_mask_indexes[0] # first time after start that iff drops below stop theshold else: stop_index = -1 # end of spike train (include all spikes after start) times.append(st[start_index].rescale('s').magnitude) durations.append((st[stop_index] - st[start_index]).rescale('s').magnitude) n_spikes.append(stop_index-start_index+1 if stop_index > 0 else st.size-start_index) if stop_index == -1: break else: scan_index = stop_index bursts = neo.Epoch( times = times*pq.s, durations = durations*pq.s, labels = [''] * len(times), array_annotations = {'spikes': n_spikes}, ) return bursts def _compute_firing_rates(metadata, blk): """ Compute instantaneous firing rates using parameters given in ``metadata`` on spike trains in ``blk``. The elephant package's :func:`instantaneous_rate <elephant.statistics.instantaneous_rate>` function is used for calculating firing rates. The :mod:`kernel <elephant.kernels>` classes from the elephant package, as well as :class:`CausalAlphaKernel <neurotic._elephant_tools.CausalAlphaKernel>`, may be used. The function and kernel classes are sourced from :mod:`neurotic._elephant_tools`, rather than the elephant package itself, to avoid having elephant as a package dependency. """ if metadata.get('firing_rates', None) is not None: t_start = blk.segments[0].t_start t_stop = blk.segments[0].t_stop sampling_period = blk.segments[0].analogsignals[0].sampling_period for firing_rate in metadata['firing_rates']: spiketrain = next((st for st in blk.segments[0].spiketrains if == firing_rate['name']), None) if spiketrain is None: logger.warning('Skipping firing rate computation with name {} because spike train was not found!'.format(firing_rate['name'])) else: kernel_cls = getattr(_elephant_tools, firing_rate['kernel'], None) if kernel_cls is None or not issubclass(kernel_cls, _elephant_tools.Kernel): logger.warning('Skipping firing rate computation with name {} because kernel "{}" was not found!'.format(firing_rate['name'], firing_rate['kernel'])) else: kernel = kernel_cls(firing_rate['sigma']*pq.s) firing_rate_sig = _elephant_tools.instantaneous_rate( spiketrain=spiketrain, sampling_period=sampling_period, kernel=kernel, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, ) firing_rate_sig.t_start = firing_rate_sig.t_start.rescale('s') = firing_rate['name'] firing_rate_sig.annotations['t_stop'] = firing_rate_sig.annotations['t_stop'].rescale('s') spiketrain.annotate( firing_rate_sig=firing_rate_sig, firing_rate_kernel=firing_rate['kernel'], firing_rate_sigma=firing_rate['sigma']*pq.s, ) return blk