Source code for neurotic.scripts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic.scripts` module handles starting the app from the command
line. It also provides a convenience function for quickly launching the app
using minimal metadata or an existing Neo :class:`Block <neo.core.Block>`, and
another for starting a Jupyter server with an example notebook.

.. autofunction:: quick_launch

.. autofunction:: launch_example_notebook

import sys
import argparse
import subprocess
import pkg_resources

from ephyviewer import QT, mkQApp

from . import __version__
from import load_dataset
from .gui.config import EphyviewerConfigurator
from .gui.standalone import MainWindow

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def parse_args(argv):


    description = """
    neurotic lets you curate, visualize, annotate, and share your behavioral
    ephys data.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)

    parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?', default=None,
                        help='the path to a metadata YAML file (default: an ' \
                             'example file)')
    parser.add_argument('dataset', nargs='?', default=None,
                        help='the name of a dataset in the metadata file to ' \
                             'select initially (default: the first entry in ' \
                             'the metadata file)')

    parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version',
                        version='neurotic {}'.format(__version__))
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug',
                        help='enable detailed log messages for debugging')
    parser.add_argument('--no-lazy', action='store_false', dest='lazy',
                        help='do not use fast loading (default: use fast ' \
    parser.add_argument('--thick-traces', action='store_true', dest='thick',
                        help='enable support for traces with thick lines, ' \
                             'which has a performance cost (default: ' \
                             'disable thick line support)')
    parser.add_argument('--show-datetime', action='store_true', dest='datetime',
                        help='display the real-world date and time, which ' \
                             'may be inaccurate depending on file type and ' \
                             'acquisition software (default: do not display)')
    parser.add_argument('--ui-scale', dest='ui_scale',
                        choices=['tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'huge'],
                        default='medium', help='the scale of user interface ' \
                                               'elements, such as text ' \
                                               '(default: medium)')
    parser.add_argument('--theme', choices=['light', 'dark', 'original',
                        default='light', help='a color theme for the GUI ' \
                                              '(default: light)')

    parser.add_argument('--launch-example-notebook', action='store_true',
                        help='launch Jupyter with an example notebook ' \
                             'instead of starting the standalone app (other ' \
                             'args will be ignored)')

    args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])

    if args.debug:

        # lower the threshold for PyAV messages printed to the console from
        # critical to warning

        if not args.launch_example_notebook:
            # show only if Jupyter won't be launched, since the setting will
            # not carry over into the kernel started by Jupyter
            logger.debug('Debug messages enabled')

    return args

def win_from_args(args):


    win = MainWindow(file=args.file, initial_selection=args.dataset,
                     lazy=args.lazy, theme=args.theme, ui_scale=args.ui_scale,
    return win

[docs]def launch_example_notebook(): """ Start a Jupyter server and open the example notebook. """ path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('neurotic', 'example/example-notebook.ipynb') out = None # check whether Jupyter is installed try: out = subprocess.Popen(['jupyter', 'notebook', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error('Unable to verify Jupyter is installed using "jupyter ' 'notebook --version". Is it installed?') if out: # run Jupyter on the example notebook try: out = subprocess.Popen(['jupyter', 'notebook', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error(f'Unable to locate the example notebook at {path}')
def main(): """ """ args = parse_args(sys.argv) if args.launch_example_notebook: launch_example_notebook() else:'Loading user interface') app = mkQApp() splash = QT.QSplashScreen(QT.QPixmap(':/neurotic-logo-300.png')) win = win_from_args(args) splash.finish(win)'Ready') app.exec_()
[docs]def quick_launch(metadata={}, blk=None, lazy=True): """ Load data, configure the GUI, and launch the app with one convenient function. This function allows **neurotic** to be used easily in interactive sessions and scripts. For example, dictionaries can be passed as metadata: >>> metadata = {'data_file': 'data.axgx'} >>> neurotic.quick_launch(metadata=metadata) An existing Neo :class:`Block <neo.core.Block>` can be passed directly: >>> neurotic.quick_launch(blk=my_neo_block) This function is equivalent to the following: >>> blk = load_dataset(metadata, blk, lazy=lazy) >>> ephyviewer_config = EphyviewerConfigurator(metadata, blk, lazy=lazy) >>> ephyviewer_config.show_all() >>> ephyviewer_config.launch_ephyviewer() """ # make sure this matches the docstring after making changes blk = load_dataset(metadata, blk, lazy=lazy) ephyviewer_config = EphyviewerConfigurator(metadata, blk, lazy=lazy) ephyviewer_config.show_all() ephyviewer_config.launch_ephyviewer()