Configuring Metadata

To load your data with neurotic, you must organize them in one or more YAML files, called metadata files.

YAML files are very sensitive to punctuation and indentation, so mind those details carefully! Importantly, the tab character cannot be used for indentation; use spaces instead. There are many free websites that can validate YAML for you.

You may include comments in your metadata file, which should begin with #.

Top-Level Organization

Datasets listed within the same metadata file must be given unique names, which may include spaces. The special name neurotic_config is reserved for neurotic configuration settings and cannot be used for datasets.

In addition to names, a long description can be provided for each dataset.

Details pertaining to each dataset, including the description, are nested beneath the dataset name using indentation. You may need to use double quotes around names, descriptions, or other text if they contain special characters (such as : or #) or are composed only of numbers (such as a date).

experiment 2020-01-01:
    description: Both the name and description will be visible when neurotic loads the metadata
    # other details about this dataset will go here

my favorite dataset:
    description: This time it actually worked!
    # other details about this dataset will go here

Specifying Data Locations

Within a dataset’s YAML block, paths to data and video files should be provided.

All files associated with a dataset should be collected into a single directory. A path to the local copy of this directory can be provided using the data_dir key. You may specify data_dir as an absolute path (e.g., C:\Users\me\folder) or as a path relative to the metadata file (e.g., folder). If left unspecified, the directory containing the metadata file is used.

Paths to individual files within the dataset are provided using keys listed below. These paths should be given relative to data_dir. If data_dir is flat (no subdirectories), these should be simply the file names.

Key Description
data_file A single Neo-compatible data file (see for file formats)
video_file A video file that can be synchronized with data_file
annotations_file A CSV file for read-only annotations
epoch_encoder_file A CSV file for annotations writable by the epoch encoder
tridesclous_file A CSV file output by tridesclous’s DataIO.export_spikes

Note that the annotations_file must contain exactly 4 columns with these headers: “Start (s)”, “End (s)”, “Type”, and “Label”.

The epoch_encoder_file must contain exactly 3 columns with these headers: “Start (s)”, “End (s)”, and “Type”. (The fourth column is missing because ephyviewer’s epoch encoder is currently unable to attach notes to individual epochs; this may be improved upon in the future.)

The tridesclous_file is described in more detail in tridesclous Spike Sorting Results.

Remote Data Available for Download

Data files must be stored on the local computer for neurotic to load them and display their contents. If the files are available for download from a remote server, neurotic can be configured to download them for you to the local directory specified by data_dir if the files aren’t there already.

Specify the URL to the directory containing the data on the remote server using remote_data_dir. neurotic expects the local data_dir and the remote_data_dir to have the same structure and will mirror the remote_data_dir in the local data_dir when you download data (not a complete mirror, just the specified files).

For an example, consider the following:

my favorite dataset:
    data_dir:           C:\Users\me\folder
    remote_data_dir:    http://myserver/remote_folder
    data_file:          data.axgx
    video_file:         video.mp4

With a metadata file like this, the file paths data_file and video_file are appended to remote_data_dir to obtain the complete URLs for downloading these files, and they will be saved to the local data_dir.

If you have many datasets hosted by the same server, you can specify the server URL just once using the special remote_data_root key, which should be nested under the reserved name neurotic_config outside of any dataset’s YAML block. This allows you to provide for each dataset a partial URL to a folder in remote_data_dir which is relative to remote_data_root. For example:

neurotic_config:  # reserved name for global settings
    remote_data_root:   http://myserver

my favorite dataset:
    data_dir:           C:\Users\me\folder1
    remote_data_dir:    remote_folder1
    data_file:          data.axgx
    video_file:         video.mp4

another dataset:
    data_dir:           C:\Users\me\folder2
    remote_data_dir:    remote_folder2
    data_file:          data.axgx
    video_file:         video.mp4

Here, URLs to video files are composed by joining remote_data_root + remote_data_dir + video_file.

Recall that if data_dir is a relative path, it is assumed to be relative to the metadata file. In the example above, if the metadata file is located in C:\Users\me, the paths could be abbreviated:

    remote_data_root:   http://myserver

my favorite dataset:
    data_dir:           folder1
    remote_data_dir:    remote_folder1
    data_file:          data.axgx
    video_file:         video.mp4

another dataset:
    data_dir:           folder2
    remote_data_dir:    remote_folder2
    data_file:          data.axgx
    video_file:         video.mp4


Portability is easy with neurotic! Use relative paths in your metadata file along with a remotely accessible data store such as GIN to make your metadata file fully portable. The example above is a simple model of this style. A metadata file like this can be copied to a different computer, and downloaded files will automatically be saved to the right place. Data stores can be password protected and neurotic will prompt you for a user name and password. This makes it easy to share the neurotic experience with your colleagues! 🤪

URLs to Use with GIN

If you have data stored in a public repository on GIN, you can access it from a URL of this form:<username>/<reponame>/raw/master/<path>

For private repositories, you must use a different URL that takes advantage of the WebDAV protocol:<username>/<reponame>/_dav/<path>

The second form works with public repos too, but GIN login credentials are still required. Consequently, the first form is more convenient for public repos.

Global Configuration Settings

The top-level name neurotic_config is reserved for configuration settings that apply to all datasets or to the app itself. Presently, only one configuration setting is implemented, but future versions of neurotic may add more under this name.

Key Description
remote_data_root A URL prepended to each remote_data_dir that is not already a full URL (i.e., does not already begin with a protocol scheme like https://)

For example:

    remote_data_root:   http://myserver

my favorite dataset:
    # dataset details here

Data Reader (Neo) Settings

The electrophysiology file specified by data_file is read using Neo, which supports many file types. A complete list of the implemented formats can be found here:

By default, neurotic will use the file extension of data_file to guess the file format and choose the appropriate Neo IO class for reading it. If the guess fails, you can force neurotic to use a different class by specifying the class name with the io_class parameter (all available classes are listed here:

Some Neo IO classes accept additional arguments beyond just a filename (see the Neo docs for details: You can specify these arguments in your metadata using the io_args parameter.

For example, suppose you have data stored in a plain text file that is missing a file extension. The class can read plain text files, but you must specify this manually using io_class because the extension is missing. You could do this and pass in supported arguments in the following way:

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: plain_text_file_without_file_extension

    io_class: AsciiSignalIO

        skiprows: 1 # skip header
        delimiter: ' ' # space-delimited
        t_start: 5 # sec
        sampling_rate: 1000 # Hz
        units: mV

Video Synchronization Parameters

Constant Offset

If data acquisition began with some delay after video capture began, provide a negative value for video_offset equal to the delay in seconds. If video capture began after the start of data acquisition, use a positive value. A value of zero will have no effect.

neurotic warns users about the risk of async if video_file is given but video_offset is not. To eliminate this warning for videos that have no delay, provide zero.

Frame Rate Correction

If the average frame rate reported by the video file is a little fast or slow, you may notice your video and data going out of sync late in a long experiment. You can provide the video_rate_correction parameter to fix this. The reported average frame rate of the video file will be multiplied by this factor to obtain a new frame rate used for playback. A value less than 1 will decrease the frame rate and shift video events to later times. A value greater than 1 will increase the frame rate and shift video events to earlier times. A value of 1 has no effect.

You can obtain a good estimate of what value to use by taking the amount of time between two events in the video and dividing by the amount of time between the same two events according to the data record (seen, for example, as synchronization pulses or as movement artifacts).

Discrete Desynchronization Events

If you paused data acquisition during your experiment while video capture was continuous, you can use the video_jumps parameter to correct for these discrete desynchronization events, assuming you have some means of reconstructing the timing. For each pause, provide an ordered pair of numbers in seconds: The first is the time according to data acquisition (not according to the video) when the pause occurred, and the second is the duration of the pause during which the video kept rolling.

For example:

my favorite dataset:
    video_file: video.mp4
    # etc

        # a list of ordered pairs containing:
        # (1) time in seconds when paused occurred according to DAQ
        # (2) duration of pause in seconds
        - [60, 10]
        - [120, 10]
        - [240, 10]

These values could correct for three 10-second pauses occurring at times 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 according to the DAQ, which would correspond to times 1:00, 2:10, 3:20 according to the video. The extra video frames captured during the pauses will be excised from playback so that the data and video remain synced.

neurotic will automatically suggest values for video_jumps if it reads an AxoGraph file that contains stops and restarts (only if video_jumps is not already specified).

Real-World Date and Time

The GUI can optionally display the real-world date and time. This feature is accurate only if the recording is continuous (no interruptions or pauses during recording) and the start time of the recording is known. Some data file formats may store the start time of the recording, in which case neurotic will use that information automatically. However, if the start time is missing or inaccurate, it can be specified in the metadata like this:

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    rec_datetime: 2020-01-01 13:14:15
    # etc

Plot Parameters

Use the plots parameter to specify which signal channels from data_file you want plotted and how to scale them. Optionally, a color may be specified for channels using a single letter color code (e.g., 'b' for blue or 'k' for black) or a hexadecimal color code (e.g., '1b9e77').

Consider the following example, and notice the use of hyphens and indentation for each channel.

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    # etc

        - channel: Extracellular
          ylabel: Buccal nerve 2 (BN2)
          units: uV
          ylim: [-150, 150]
          color: r

        - channel: Intracellular
          ylabel: B3 neuron
          units: mV
          ylim: [-100, 50]
          color: '666666'

        - channel: Force
          units: mN
          ylim: [-10, 500]

This would plot the “Extracellular”, “Intracellular”, and “Force” channels from the data_file in the given order. ylabel is used to relabel a channel and is optional. The units and ylim parameters are used together to scale each signal such that the given range fits neatly between the traces above and below it. If units is not given, they are assumed to be microvolts for voltage signals and millinewtons for force signals. If ylim is not given, they default to [-120, 120] for voltages and [-10, 300] for forces.

If plots is not provided, all channels are plotted using the default ranges, except for channels that match these patterns: “Analog Input #*” and “Clock”. Channels with these names can be plotted if given explicitly by plots.

Time Range

The amount of time initially visible can be specified in seconds with t_width.

The position of the vertical line, which represents the current time in each plot, can be specified as a fraction of the plot range with past_fraction. A value of 0 places the vertical line at the left edge of each plot; consequently, everything plotted is “in the future”, occurring after the current time. A value of 1 places the vertical line at the right edge of each plot; consequently, everything plotted is “in the past”, coming before the current time. The default value of 0.3 causes the first 30% of the plot range to display “the past” and the last 70% to display “the future”.

Epoch Encoder Parameters

The labels available to the epoch encoder must be specified ahead of time using epoch_encoder_possible_labels (this is a current limitation of ephyviewer that may eventually be improved upon).

For example:

my favorite dataset:
    epoch_encoder_file: epoch-encoder.csv
    # etc

        - label1
        - label2
        - label3


Highpass, lowpass, and bandpass filtering can be applied to signals using the filters parameter. Note that filters are only applied if fast loading is off (lazy=False).

Consider the following example, and notice the use of hyphens and indentation for each filter.

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    # etc

    filters:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - channel: Extracellular
          highpass: 300 # Hz
          lowpass: 500 # Hz

        - channel: Intracellular
          highpass: 300 # Hz

        - channel: Force
          lowpass: 50 # Hz

Filter cutoffs are given in hertz. Combining highpass and lowpass provides bandpass filtering.

Amplitude Discriminators

Spikes with peaks that fall within amplitude windows given by amplitude_discriminators can be automatically detected by neurotic on the basis of amplitude alone. Note that amplitude discriminators are only applied if fast loading is off (lazy=False).

Detected spikes are indicated on the signals with markers, and spike trains are displayed in a raster plot. Optionally, a color may be specified for an amplitude discriminator using a single letter color code (e.g., 'b' for blue or 'k' for black) or a hexadecimal color code (e.g., '1b9e77').

In addition to restricting spike detection for a given unit to an amplitude window, detection can also be limited in time to overlap with epochs with a given label.

Consider the following example, and notice the use of hyphens and indentation for each amplitude discriminator.

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    # etc

    amplitude_discriminators:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - name: Unit 1
          channel: Extracellular
          units: uV
          amplitude: [50, 150]
          color: r

        - name: Unit 2
          channel: Extracellular
          units: uV
          amplitude: [20, 50]
          epoch: Unit 2 activity
          color: 'e6ab02'

Here two units are detected on the same channel with different amplitude windows. Any peaks between 50 and 150 microvolts on the “Extracellular” channel will be tagged as a spike belonging to “Unit 1”. The discriminator for “Unit 2” provides the optional epoch parameter. This restricts detection of “Unit 2” to spikes within the amplitude window that occur at the same time as epochs labeled “Unit 2 activity”. These epochs can be created by the epoch encoder (reload required to rerun spike detection at launch-time), specified in the read-only annotations_file, or even be contained in the data_file if the format supports epochs.

Amplitude windows are permitted to be negative.

tridesclous Spike Sorting Results

tridesclous is a sophisticated spike sorting toolkit. The results of a sorting process can be exported to a CSV file using tridesclous’s DataIO.export_spikes function. This file contains two columns: the first is the sample index of a spike, and the second is the ID for a cluster of spikes. If this file is specified with tridesclous_file, then a mapping from the cluster IDs to channels must be provided with tridesclous_channels.

In the following example, notice the lack of hyphens:

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    tridesclous_file: spikes.csv
    # etc

        0: [Channel A, Channel B]
        1: [Channel A]
        2: [Channel B]
        3: [Channel B]
        # etc

Here numeric cluster IDs are paired with a list of channels found in data_file on which the spikes were detected.

To show only a subset of clusters or to merge clusters, add the tridesclous_merge parameter.

In this example, note again the punctuation:

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    tridesclous_file: spikes.csv
    # etc

        0: [Channel A, Channel B]
        1: [Channel A]
        2: [Channel B]
        3: [Channel B]
        # etc

        - [0, 1]
        - [3]

Now clusters 0 and 1 are combined into a single unit, and only that unit and cluster 3 are plotted; cluster 2 has been discarded.

Firing Rates

If spike trains were generated using Amplitude Discriminators, imported from tridesclous Spike Sorting Results, or included in the data_file, their smoothed firing rates can be computed. Note that firing rates are computed only if fast loading is off (lazy=False).

Firing rates are plotted as continuous signals. Colors are inherited from amplitude_discriminators, if they are provided there.

Firing rates are computed using a kernel that is convolved with the spike train. The metadata is specified like this:

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    # etc

    amplitude_discriminators:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - name: Unit 1
          channel: Extracellular
          units: uV
          amplitude: [50, 150]

    firing_rates:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - name: Unit 1
          kernel: GaussianKernel
          sigma: 1.5 # sec

The elephant package’s instantaneous_rate function is used for calculating firing rates. See elephant.kernels for the names of kernel classes that may be used with the kernel parameter. neurotic provides an additional kernel, CausalAlphaKernel, which may also be used. The sigma parameter is passed as an argument to the kernel class and should be given in seconds.

The rate calculation function and kernel classes are sourced from neurotic._elephant_tools, rather than the elephant package itself, to avoid requiring elephant as a package dependency.

Firing Frequency Burst Detectors

If spike trains were generated using Amplitude Discriminators, imported from tridesclous Spike Sorting Results, or included in the data_file, a simple burst detection algorithm that relies on instantaneous firing rate thresholds can be run to detect periods of intense activity. Note that burst detectors are only applied if fast loading is off (lazy=False).

Detected bursts are plotted as epochs. Colors are inherited from amplitude_discriminators, if they are provided there.

Burst detectors are specified in metadata like this:

my favorite dataset:
    data_file: data.axgx
    # etc

    amplitude_discriminators:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - name: Unit 1
          channel: Extracellular
          units: uV
          amplitude: [50, 150]

    burst_detectors:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - spiketrain: Unit 1
          name: Unit 1 burst  # optional, used for customizing output epoch name
          thresholds: [10, 8] # Hz

The algorithm works by scanning through the spike train with a name matching spiketrain (in this example, the spike train generated by the “Unit 1” amplitude discriminator). When the instantaneous firing frequency (IFF; note this is NOT the same as the smoothed firing rate, but rather the inverse of the inter-spike interval) exceeds the first threshold given (e.g., 10 Hz), a burst of activity is determined to start. After this, at the first moment when the IFF drops below the second threshold (e.g., 8 Hz), the burst is determined to end. After scanning through the entire spike train, many bursts that meet these criteria may be identified.

Note that in general the end threshold should not exceed the start threshold; this would essentially be the same as setting the start and end thresholds both to the greater value.

Rectified Area Under the Curve (RAUC)

One way to simplify a high-frequency signal is by plotted a time series of the rectified area under the curve (RAUC). Note that RAUCs are calculated only if fast loading is off (lazy=False).

For each signal, the baseline (mean or median) is optionally subtracted off. The signal is then rectified (absolute value) and divided into non-overlapping bins of fixed duration. Finally, the integral is calculated within each bin. The result is a new time series that represents the overall activity of the original signal. RAUC time series are plotted separately from the original signals in a second tab. Colors are inherited from plots, if they are provided there.

The choice of baseline is controlled by the rauc_baseline metadata parameter, which may have the value None (default), 'mean', or 'median'. The size of the bins determines how smooth the RAUC time series is and is set by rauc_bin_duration, given in seconds. If rauc_bin_duration is not specified (default None), RAUC time series will not be calculated.

A Complete Example

These are the contents of the example metadata file that ships with neurotic, which can be loaded by running neurotic from the command line without arguments:

example dataset:
    description: This is an example data set

    # these data are a subset of Jeffrey Gill's dataset 2018-06-21_IN-VIVO_JG-08 002
    data_dir:           example-data
    data_file:          data.axgx
    video_file:         video.mp4
    annotations_file:   annotations.csv
    epoch_encoder_file: epoch-encoder.csv

    video_offset: 640.3 # seconds

        - force
        - B38 activity

        - channel: I2
          units: uV
          ylim: [-30, 30]

        - channel: RN
          units: uV
          ylim: [-60, 60]

        - channel: BN2
          units: uV
          ylim: [-120, 120]

        - channel: BN3
          units: uV
          ylim: [-150, 150]

        - channel: Force
          units: mN
          ylim: [-10, 300]

    filters:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - channel: I2
          lowpass: 100 # Hz

        - channel: Force
          lowpass: 50 # Hz

    amplitude_discriminators:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - name: B3
          channel: BN2
          units: uV
          amplitude: [50, 150]
          color: '1b9e77'

        - name: B38
          channel: BN2
          units: uV
          amplitude: [17, 26]
          epoch: B38 activity
          color: '7570b3'

        - name: B4/B5
          channel: BN3
          units: uV
          amplitude: [85, 200]
          color: 'e6ab02'

    firing_rates:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - name: B3
          kernel: CausalAlphaKernel
          sigma: 1.0

        - name: B38
          kernel: CausalAlphaKernel
          sigma: 1.0

        - name: B4/B5
          kernel: CausalAlphaKernel
          sigma: 1.0

    burst_detectors:  # used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)

        - spiketrain: B3
          thresholds: [8, 2] # Hz

        - spiketrain: B38
          thresholds: [8, 5] # Hz

        - spiketrain: B4/B5
          thresholds: [3, 3] # Hz

    rauc_bin_duration: 0.1 # seconds, used only if fast loading is off (lazy=False)