Source code for neurotic.gui.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic.gui.config` module implements a class for configuring and
launching ephyviewer for a loaded dataset.

.. autoclass:: EphyviewerConfigurator

import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import quantities as pq
import neo
import ephyviewer

from ..datasets.metadata import _abs_path
from ..gui.epochencoder import NeuroticWritableEpochSource

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# raise the threshold for PyAV messages printed to the console from
# warning to critical

pq.mN = pq.UnitQuantity('millinewton', pq.N/1e3, symbol = 'mN');  # define millinewton

[docs]class EphyviewerConfigurator(): """ A class for launching ephyviewer for a dataset with configurable viewers. At initialization, invalid viewers are automatically disabled (e.g., the video viewer is disabled if ``video_file`` is not given in ``metadata``). Viewers can be hidden or shown before launch using the built-in methods. Valid viewer names are: * ``traces`` * ``traces_rauc`` * ``freqs`` * ``spike_trains`` * ``traces_rates`` * ``epochs`` * ``epoch_encoder`` * ``video`` * ``event_list`` * ``data_frame`` :meth:`launch_ephyviewer` is provided for starting a new Qt app and launching the ephyviewer main window all at once. :meth:`create_ephyviewer_window` generates just the ephyviewer window and should be used if there is already a Qt app running. """ def __init__(self, metadata, blk, lazy = False): """ Initialize a new EphyviewerConfigurator. """ self.metadata = metadata self.blk = blk self.lazy = lazy self.viewer_settings = { 'traces': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'traces_rauc': {'show': False, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'freqs': {'show': False, 'disabled': True, 'reason': 'Disabled because feature is experimental and computationally expensive'}, 'spike_trains': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'traces_rates': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'epochs': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'epoch_encoder': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'video': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'event_list': {'show': True, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, 'data_frame': {'show': False, 'disabled': False, 'reason': ''}, } self.themes = {} self.themes['original'] = None # special keyword to use ephyviewer's defaults self.themes['light'] = { 'cmap': 'Dark2', # dark traces 'background_color': '#F0F0F0', # light gray 'vline_color': '#000000AA', # transparent black 'label_fill_color': '#DDDDDDDD', # transparent light gray } self.themes['dark'] = { 'cmap': 'Accent', # light traces 'background_color': 'k', # black 'vline_color': '#FFFFFFAA', # transparent white 'label_fill_color': '#222222DD', # transparent dark gray } self.themes['printer-friendly'] = { 'cmap': 'Dark2', # dark traces 'background_color': '#FFFFFF', # white 'vline_color': '#000000AA', # transparent black 'label_fill_color': '#DDDDDDDD', # transparent light gray } self.default_font_size = ephyviewer.QT.QFont().pointSize() self.ui_scales = { 'tiny': {'app_font_size': self.default_font_size-4, 'channel_label_size': self.default_font_size-4, 'scatter_size': 4}, 'small': {'app_font_size': self.default_font_size-2, 'channel_label_size': self.default_font_size-2, 'scatter_size': 6}, 'medium': {'app_font_size': self.default_font_size, 'channel_label_size': self.default_font_size, 'scatter_size': 8}, 'large': {'app_font_size': self.default_font_size+2, 'channel_label_size': self.default_font_size+2, 'scatter_size': 10}, 'huge': {'app_font_size': self.default_font_size+4, 'channel_label_size': self.default_font_size+4, 'scatter_size': 12}, } # hide and disable viewers for which inputs are missing if not self.blk.segments[0].analogsignals: self.viewer_settings['traces']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['traces']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['traces']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no signals' if not [sig.annotations['rauc_sig'] for sig in blk.segments[0].analogsignals if 'rauc_sig' in sig.annotations]: self.viewer_settings['traces_rauc']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['traces_rauc']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['traces_rauc']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no RAUC signals' if not self.blk.segments[0].spiketrains: self.viewer_settings['spike_trains']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['spike_trains']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['spike_trains']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no spike trains' if not [st.annotations['firing_rate_sig'] for st in blk.segments[0].spiketrains if 'firing_rate_sig' in st.annotations]: self.viewer_settings['traces_rates']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['traces_rates']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['traces_rates']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no firing rate signals' if not [ep for ep in self.blk.segments[0].epochs if ep.size > 0 and '(from epoch encoder file)' not in ep.labels]: self.viewer_settings['epochs']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['epochs']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['epochs']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no read-only epochs' self.viewer_settings['data_frame']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['data_frame']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['data_frame']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no read-only epochs' if not [ev for ev in self.blk.segments[0].events if ev.size > 0]: self.viewer_settings['event_list']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['event_list']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['event_list']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because there are no read-only epochs or events' if not self.metadata.get('epoch_encoder_file', None): self.viewer_settings['epoch_encoder']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['epoch_encoder']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['epoch_encoder']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because epoch_encoder_file is not set' if not ephyviewer.HAVE_AV: self.viewer_settings['video']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['video']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['video']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because PyAV is not installed' if not self.metadata.get('video_file', None): self.viewer_settings['video']['show'] = False self.viewer_settings['video']['disabled'] = True self.viewer_settings['video']['reason'] = 'Cannot enable because video_file is not set' if not ephyviewer.HAVE_AV and self.metadata.get('video_file', None): logger.warning('Ignoring video_file because PyAV is not installed') # warn about potential video sync problems if metadata.get('video_file', None) is not None and metadata.get('video_offset', None) is None: logger.warning('Your video will likely be out of sync with your ' 'data because video_offset is unspecified! ' 'Consider adding it to your metadata.') if metadata.get('video_file', None) is not None and metadata.get('video_jumps', None) is None: approx_video_jumps = _estimate_video_jump_times(blk) if approx_video_jumps: approx_video_jumps_recommendation = ' video_jumps:\n' + \ '\n'.join([f' - [{t}, {dur}]' for t, dur in approx_video_jumps]) logger.warning('It seems that AxoGraph was paused at least ' 'once during data acquisition, but video_jumps ' 'is unspecified. This will cause your video ' 'and data to get out of sync. Consider adding ' 'the following to your metadata:' f'\n{approx_video_jumps_recommendation}\n' 'Each ordered pair specifies the timing of a ' 'pause and approximately how long the pause ' 'lasted in seconds. The pause durations are ' 'only rough estimates +/- a second! You should ' 'refine them by inspecting the video to make ' 'sure your sync is accurate!')
[docs] def is_enabled(self, name): """ Return whether the viewer ``name`` is enabled. """ if name in self.viewer_settings: return not self.viewer_settings[name]['disabled'] else: return False
[docs] def enable(self, name): """ Enable the viewer ``name``. """ if name in self.viewer_settings: self.viewer_settings[name]['disabled'] = False
[docs] def disable(self, name): """ Disable the viewer ``name``. """ if name in self.viewer_settings: self.viewer_settings[name]['disabled'] = True
[docs] def is_shown(self, name): """ Return whether the viewer ``name`` is shown. """ if name in self.viewer_settings: return self.viewer_settings[name]['show'] else: return False
[docs] def show(self, name): """ Show the viewer ``name``. """ if name in self.viewer_settings: if not self.viewer_settings[name]['disabled']: self.viewer_settings[name]['show'] = True else: logger.warning(self.viewer_settings[name]['reason']) else: logger.error(f'"{name}" is not a viewer in viewer_settings')
[docs] def hide(self, name): """ Hide the viewer ``name``. """ if name in self.viewer_settings: self.viewer_settings[name]['show'] = False else: logger.error(f'"{name}" is not a viewer in viewer_settings')
[docs] def show_all(self): """ Show all viewers. """ for name in self.viewer_settings: if not self.viewer_settings[name]['disabled']:
[docs] def hide_all(self): """ Hide all viewers. """ for name in self.viewer_settings: self.hide(name)
[docs] def launch_ephyviewer(self, theme='light', ui_scale='small', support_increased_line_width=False, show_datetime=False, datetime_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): """ Start a Qt app and create an ephyviewer window. """ app = ephyviewer.mkQApp() win = self.create_ephyviewer_window(theme=theme, ui_scale=ui_scale, support_increased_line_width=support_increased_line_width, show_datetime=show_datetime, datetime_format=datetime_format) app.exec_()
[docs] def create_ephyviewer_window(self, theme='light', ui_scale='small', support_increased_line_width=False, show_datetime=False, datetime_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'): """ Load data into each ephyviewer viewer and return the main window. """ ######################################################################## # DATA SOURCES seg = self.blk.segments[0] sigs = seg.analogsignals sources = {'signal': [], 'epoch': [], 'event': [], 'spike': []} sources['epoch'].append(ephyviewer.NeoEpochSource(seg.epochs)) sources['event'].append(ephyviewer.NeoEventSource( sources['spike'].append(ephyviewer.NeoSpikeTrainSource(seg.spiketrains)) # filter epoch encoder data out of read-only epoch and event lists # so they are not presented multiple times, and remove empty channels sources['epoch'][0].all = [ep for ep in sources['epoch'][0].all if len(ep['time']) > 0 and '(from epoch encoder file)' not in ep['label']] sources['event'][0].all = [ev for ev in sources['event'][0].all if len(ev['time']) > 0 and '(from epoch encoder file)' not in ev['label']] ######################################################################## # WINDOW # optionally display the real-world date and time if show_datetime and self.blk.rec_datetime is not None: show_label_datetime = True datetime0 = self.blk.rec_datetime else: show_label_datetime = False datetime0 = None # create a window that will be populated with viewers win = ephyviewer.MainViewer( # settings_name='test2', # remember settings (e.g. xsize) between sessions show_auto_scale = True, global_xsize_zoom = True, play_interval = 0.1, # refresh period in seconds show_label_datetime = show_label_datetime, datetime0 = datetime0, datetime_format = datetime_format, ) win.setWindowTitle(self.metadata.get('key', 'neurotic')) win.setWindowIcon(ephyviewer.QT.QIcon(':/neurotic-logo-150.png')) # delete on close so that memory and file resources are released win.setAttribute(ephyviewer.QT.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) # set the font size for most text font = win.font() font.setPointSize(self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['app_font_size']) win.setFont(font) ######################################################################## # COLORS # colors for signals given explicitly in plots, used for raw signals # and RAUC sig_colors = {} if self.metadata.get('plots', None) is not None: sig_colors = {p['channel']: p['color'] for p in self.metadata['plots'] if 'color' in p} # colors for units given explicitly in amplitude_discriminators, used # for scatter markers, spike trains, and burst epochs unit_colors = {} if self.metadata.get('amplitude_discriminators', None) is not None: unit_colors = {d['name']: d['color'] for d in self.metadata['amplitude_discriminators'] if 'color' in d} ######################################################################## # TRACES WITH SCATTER PLOTS _set_defaults_for_plots(self.metadata, self.blk) if self.is_shown('traces') and self.metadata['plots']: lazy_load_signals = False if self.lazy: # check whether blk contains a rawio, which would have been put # there by _read_data_file if lazy=True and if Neo has a RawIO # that supports the file format if hasattr(self.blk, 'rawio') and isinstance(self.blk.rawio, neo.rawio.baserawio.BaseRawIO): io = self.blk.rawio if io.support_lazy: lazy_load_signals = True if lazy_load_signals: # Intan-specific tricks if isinstance(io, # dirty trick for getting ungrouped channels into a single source io.header['signal_channels']['group_id'] = 0 # prepare to append custom channel names stored in data file to ylabels custom_channel_names = {c['native_channel_name']: c['custom_channel_name'] for c in io._ordered_channels} channel_indexes = [p['index'] for p in self.metadata['plots']] sources['signal'].append(ephyviewer.AnalogSignalFromNeoRawIOSource(io, channel_indexes)) # modify loaded channel names to use ylabels for i, p in enumerate(self.metadata['plots']): ylabel = p['ylabel'] # Intan-specific tricks if isinstance(io, # append custom channel names stored in data file to ylabels if custom_channel_names[p['channel']] != ylabel: ylabel += ' ({})'.format(custom_channel_names[p['channel']]) sources['signal'][-1].channels['name'][i] = ylabel # TODO support scatter from tridesclous_file else: # lazy==False or io.support_lazy==False # even if lazy==True, signals do not need to be loaded now # because load_dataset will have already taken care of that and # saved them in blk when it detected that Neo did not support # lazy loading for the given file reader # prepare scatter plot parameters plotNameToIndex = {p['channel']:i for i, p in enumerate(self.metadata['plots'])} all_times = sigs[0].times.rescale('s').magnitude # assuming all AnalogSignals have the same sampling rate and start time spike_indices = {} spike_channels = {} for st in seg.spiketrains: if 'channels' in st.annotations: c = [] for channel in st.annotations['channels']: index = plotNameToIndex.get(channel, None) if index is None: logger.warning('Spike train {} will not be plotted on channel {} because that channel isn\'t being plotted'.format(, channel)) else: c.append(index) if c: spike_channels[] = c spike_indices[] = np.where(np.isin(all_times, st.times.magnitude))[0] sources['signal'].append(ephyviewer.AnalogSignalSourceWithScatter( signals = np.concatenate([sigs[p['index']].magnitude for p in self.metadata['plots']], axis = 1), sample_rate = sigs[0].sampling_rate.rescale('Hz'), # assuming all AnalogSignals have the same sampling rate t_start = sigs[0].t_start.rescale('s'), # assuming all AnalogSignals start at the same time channel_names = [p['ylabel'] for p in self.metadata['plots']], scatter_indexes = spike_indices, scatter_channels = spike_channels, )) # instead of passing colors into AnalogSignalSourceWithScatter # constructor with scatter_colors, first let the constructor # choose reasonable default colors (done above), and only then # override colors for units that have been explicitly set in # amplitude_discriminators (done here) sources['signal'][-1].scatter_colors.update(unit_colors) # useOpenGL=True eliminates the extremely poor performance associated # with TraceViewer's line_width > 1.0, but it also degrades overall # performance somewhat and is reportedly unstable if support_increased_line_width: useOpenGL = True line_width = 2.0 else: useOpenGL = None line_width = 1.0 trace_view = ephyviewer.TraceViewer(source = sources['signal'][0], name = 'Signals', useOpenGL = useOpenGL) win.add_view(trace_view) trace_view.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) trace_view.params['auto_scale_factor'] = 0.02 trace_view.params['scatter_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['scatter_size'] trace_view.params['line_width'] = line_width trace_view.params['label_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['channel_label_size'] trace_view.params['display_labels'] = True trace_view.params['antialias'] = True # set the theme if theme != 'original': trace_view.params['background_color'] = self.themes[theme]['background_color'] trace_view.params['vline_color'] = self.themes[theme]['vline_color'] trace_view.params['label_fill_color'] = self.themes[theme]['label_fill_color'] trace_view.params_controller.combo_cmap.setCurrentText(self.themes[theme]['cmap']) trace_view.params_controller.on_automatic_color() # set explicitly assigned signal colors for name, color in sig_colors.items(): try: index = [p['channel'] for p in self.metadata['plots']].index(name) trace_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(index), 'color'] = color except ValueError: # sig name may not have been found in the trace list pass # adjust plot range, scaling, and positioning trace_view.params['ylim_max'] = 0.5 trace_view.params['ylim_min'] = -trace_view.source.nb_channel + 0.5 trace_view.params['scale_mode'] = 'by_channel' for i, p in enumerate(self.metadata['plots']): sig_units = sigs[p['index']].units units_ratio = (pq.Quantity(1, p['units'])/pq.Quantity(1, sig_units)).simplified assert units_ratio.dimensionality.string == 'dimensionless', f"Channel \"{p['channel']}\" has units {sig_units} and cannot be converted to {p['units']}" ylim_span = np.ptp(p['ylim'] * units_ratio.magnitude) ylim_center = np.mean(p['ylim'] * units_ratio.magnitude) trace_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(i), 'gain'] = 1/ylim_span # rescale [ymin,ymax] across a unit trace_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(i), 'offset'] = -i - ylim_center/ylim_span # center [ymin,ymax] within the unit ######################################################################## # TRACES OF RAUC if self.is_shown('traces_rauc'): rauc_sigs = [sig.annotations['rauc_sig'] for sig in sigs if 'rauc_sig' in sig.annotations] if rauc_sigs: sig_rauc_source = ephyviewer.InMemoryAnalogSignalSource( signals = np.concatenate([rauc_sigs[p['index']].as_array() for p in self.metadata['plots']], axis = 1), sample_rate = rauc_sigs[0].sampling_rate.rescale('Hz'), # assuming all AnalogSignals have the same sampling rate t_start = rauc_sigs[0].t_start.rescale('s'), # assuming all AnalogSignals start at the same time channel_names = [p['ylabel'] + ' RAUC' for p in self.metadata['plots']], ) sources['signal_rauc'] = [sig_rauc_source] trace_rauc_view = ephyviewer.TraceViewer(source = sources['signal_rauc'][0], name = 'Integrated signals (RAUC)') if 'Signals' in win.viewers: win.add_view(trace_rauc_view, tabify_with = 'Signals') else: win.add_view(trace_rauc_view) trace_rauc_view.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) trace_rauc_view.params['line_width'] = line_width trace_rauc_view.params['label_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['channel_label_size'] trace_rauc_view.params['display_labels'] = True trace_rauc_view.params['display_offset'] = True trace_rauc_view.params['antialias'] = True # set the theme if theme != 'original': trace_rauc_view.params['background_color'] = self.themes[theme]['background_color'] trace_rauc_view.params['vline_color'] = self.themes[theme]['vline_color'] trace_rauc_view.params['label_fill_color'] = self.themes[theme]['label_fill_color'] trace_rauc_view.params_controller.combo_cmap.setCurrentText(self.themes[theme]['cmap']) trace_rauc_view.params_controller.on_automatic_color() # set explicitly assigned signal colors for name, color in sig_colors.items(): try: index = [p['channel'] for p in self.metadata['plots']].index(name) trace_rauc_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(index), 'color'] = color except ValueError: # sig name may not have been found in the rauc trace list pass # adjust plot range trace_rauc_view.params['ylim_max'] = 0.5 trace_rauc_view.params['ylim_min'] = -trace_rauc_view.source.nb_channel + 0.5 trace_rauc_view.params['scale_mode'] = 'by_channel' for i, p in enumerate(self.metadata['plots']): ylim_span = np.median(rauc_sigs[p['index']].magnitude) * 10 ylim_center = ylim_span / 2 trace_rauc_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(i), 'gain'] = 1/ylim_span # rescale [ymin,ymax] across a unit trace_rauc_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(i), 'offset'] = -i - ylim_center/ylim_span # center [ymin,ymax] within the unit ######################################################################## # FREQUENCY (EXPERIMENTAL AND COMPUTATIONALLY EXPENSIVE!) if self.is_shown('freqs'): freq_view = ephyviewer.TimeFreqViewer(source = trace_view.source, name = 'Time-Frequency') freq_view.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) freq_view.params['scale_mode'] = 'by_channel' freq_view.params['nb_column'] = 1 freq_view.params['colormap'] = 'gray' freq_view.params.param('timefreq')['deltafreq'] = 100 freq_view.params.param('timefreq')['f_start'] = 1 freq_view.params.param('timefreq')['f_stop'] = 1500 freq_view.by_channel_params['ch0', 'visible'] = False freq_view.by_channel_params['ch1', 'visible'] = True freq_view.by_channel_params['ch2', 'visible'] = True freq_view.by_channel_params['ch3', 'visible'] = True freq_view.by_channel_params['ch4', 'visible'] = False # freq_view.params.param('timefreq')['normalisation'] = 1.5 freq_view.by_channel_params['ch1', 'clim'] = 3 freq_view.by_channel_params['ch2', 'clim'] = 5 freq_view.by_channel_params['ch3', 'clim'] = 10 if 'Signals' in win.viewers: win.add_view(freq_view, tabify_with = 'Signals') elif 'Integrated signals (RAUC)' in win.viewers: win.add_view(freq_view, tabify_with = 'Integrated signals (RAUC)') else: win.add_view(freq_view) ######################################################################## # SPIKE TRAINS if self.is_shown('spike_trains') and sources['spike'][0].nb_channel > 0: spike_train_view = ephyviewer.SpikeTrainViewer(source = sources['spike'][0], name = 'Spike trains') win.add_view(spike_train_view) # set the theme if theme != 'original': spike_train_view.params['background_color'] = self.themes[theme]['background_color'] spike_train_view.params['vline_color'] = self.themes[theme]['vline_color'] spike_train_view.params['label_fill_color'] = self.themes[theme]['label_fill_color'] spike_train_view.params_controller.combo_cmap.setCurrentText(self.themes[theme]['cmap']) spike_train_view.params_controller.on_automatic_color() # set explicitly assigned unit colors for name, color in unit_colors.items(): try: index = [ for st in seg.spiketrains].index(name) spike_train_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(index), 'color'] = color except ValueError: # unit name may not have been found in the spike train list pass spike_train_view.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) spike_train_view.params['label_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['channel_label_size'] ######################################################################## # TRACES OF FIRING RATES if self.is_shown('traces_rates'): firing_rate_sigs = [st.annotations['firing_rate_sig'] for st in seg.spiketrains if 'firing_rate_sig' in st.annotations] if firing_rate_sigs: sig_rates_source = ephyviewer.InMemoryAnalogSignalSource( signals = np.concatenate([sig.as_array() for sig in firing_rate_sigs], axis = 1), sample_rate = firing_rate_sigs[0].sampling_rate.rescale('Hz'), # assuming all AnalogSignals have the same sampling rate t_start = firing_rate_sigs[0].t_start.rescale('s'), # assuming all AnalogSignals start at the same time channel_names = [ for sig in firing_rate_sigs], ) sources['signal_rates'] = [sig_rates_source] trace_rates_view = ephyviewer.TraceViewer(source = sources['signal_rates'][0], name = 'Firing rates') if 'Spike trains' in win.viewers: win.add_view(trace_rates_view, tabify_with = 'Spike trains') else: win.add_view(trace_rates_view) trace_rates_view.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) trace_rates_view.params['line_width'] = line_width trace_rates_view.params['label_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['channel_label_size'] trace_rates_view.params['display_labels'] = True trace_rates_view.params['display_offset'] = True trace_rates_view.params['antialias'] = True # set the theme if theme != 'original': trace_rates_view.params['background_color'] = self.themes[theme]['background_color'] trace_rates_view.params['vline_color'] = self.themes[theme]['vline_color'] trace_rates_view.params['label_fill_color'] = self.themes[theme]['label_fill_color'] trace_rates_view.params_controller.combo_cmap.setCurrentText(self.themes[theme]['cmap']) trace_rates_view.params_controller.on_automatic_color() # set explicitly assigned firing rate sig colors for name, color in unit_colors.items(): try: index = [ for sig in firing_rate_sigs].index(name) trace_rates_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(index), 'color'] = color except ValueError: # unit name may not have been found in the firing rate sig list pass # adjust plot range trace_rates_view.params['ylim_max'] = 0.5 trace_rates_view.params['ylim_min'] = -trace_rates_view.source.nb_channel + 0.5 trace_rates_view.params['scale_mode'] = 'by_channel' for i, sig in enumerate(firing_rate_sigs): ylim_span = 10 ylim_center = ylim_span / 2 trace_rates_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(i), 'gain'] = 1/ylim_span # rescale [ymin,ymax] across a unit trace_rates_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(i), 'offset'] = -i - ylim_center/ylim_span # center [ymin,ymax] within the unit ######################################################################## # EPOCHS if self.is_shown('epochs') and sources['epoch'][0].nb_channel > 0: epoch_view = ephyviewer.EpochViewer(source = sources['epoch'][0], name = 'Epochs') win.add_view(epoch_view) # set the theme if theme != 'original': epoch_view.params['background_color'] = self.themes[theme]['background_color'] epoch_view.params['vline_color'] = self.themes[theme]['vline_color'] epoch_view.params['label_fill_color'] = self.themes[theme]['label_fill_color'] epoch_view.params_controller.combo_cmap.setCurrentText(self.themes[theme]['cmap']) epoch_view.params_controller.on_automatic_color() # set explicitly assigned unit colors for name, color in unit_colors.items(): try: index = [ep['name'] for ep in sources['epoch'][0].all].index(name + ' burst') epoch_view.by_channel_params['ch{}'.format(index), 'color'] = color except ValueError: # unit burst name may not have been found in the epoch list pass epoch_view.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) epoch_view.params['label_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['channel_label_size'] ######################################################################## # EPOCH ENCODER if self.is_shown('epoch_encoder') and self.metadata.get('epoch_encoder_file', None) is not None: possible_labels = self.metadata.get('epoch_encoder_possible_labels', []) # append labels found in the epoch encoder file but not in the # epoch_encoder_possible_labels list, preserving the original # ordering of epoch_encoder_possible_labels labels_from_file = [ for ep in seg.epochs if len(ep.times) > 0 and '(from epoch encoder file)' in ep.labels] for label in labels_from_file: if label not in possible_labels: possible_labels.append(label) if not possible_labels: # an empty epoch encoder file and an empty list of possible # labels were provided logger.warning('Ignoring epoch_encoder_file because epoch_encoder_possible_labels was unspecified') else: writable_epoch_source = NeuroticWritableEpochSource( filename = _abs_path(self.metadata, 'epoch_encoder_file'), possible_labels = possible_labels, ) epoch_encoder = ephyviewer.EpochEncoder(source = writable_epoch_source, name = 'Epoch encoder') epoch_encoder.params['exclusive_mode'] = False win.add_view(epoch_encoder) # set the theme if theme != 'original': epoch_encoder.params['background_color'] = self.themes[theme]['background_color'] epoch_encoder.params['vline_color'] = self.themes[theme]['vline_color'] epoch_encoder.params['label_fill_color'] = self.themes[theme]['label_fill_color'] # TODO add support for combo_cmap epoch_encoder.params['xratio'] = self.metadata.get('past_fraction', 0.3) epoch_encoder.params['label_size'] = self.ui_scales[ui_scale]['channel_label_size'] ######################################################################## # VIDEO if self.is_shown('video') and self.metadata.get('video_file', None) is not None: video_source = ephyviewer.MultiVideoFileSource(video_filenames = [_abs_path(self.metadata, 'video_file')]) # some video files are loaded with an incorrect start time, so # reset video start to zero video_source.t_stops[0] -= video_source.t_starts[0] video_source.t_starts[0] = 0 # apply the video_offset if self.metadata.get('video_offset', None) is not None: video_source.t_starts[0] += self.metadata['video_offset'] video_source.t_stops[0] += self.metadata['video_offset'] # correct for videos that report frame rates that are too fast or # too slow compared to the clock on the data acquisition system if self.metadata.get('video_rate_correction', None) is not None: video_source.rates[0] *= self.metadata['video_rate_correction'] if self.metadata.get('video_jumps', None) is not None: # create an unmodified video_times vector with evenly spaced times video_times = np.arange(video_source.nb_frames[0])/video_source.rates[0] + video_source.t_starts[0] # insert repeating times at pause_start to fill pause_duration # so that that section of the video is skipped over for pause_start, pause_duration in self.metadata['video_jumps']: pause_start_index = np.searchsorted(video_times, pause_start) pause_fill = video_times[pause_start_index] * np.ones(int(np.round(pause_duration*video_source.rates[0]))) video_times = np.insert(video_times, pause_start_index, pause_fill) video_times = video_times[:video_source.nb_frames[0]] # add the modified video_times to the video_source video_source.video_times = [video_times] video_source.t_starts[0] = min(video_times) video_source.t_stops[0] = max(video_times) # update the source-level times from the modified file-level times video_source._t_start = max(min(video_source.t_starts), 0) video_source._t_stop = max(video_source.t_stops) video_view = ephyviewer.VideoViewer(source = video_source, name = 'Video') if theme != 'original': video_view.graphiclayout.setBackground(self.themes[theme]['background_color']) win.add_view(video_view, location = 'bottom', orientation = 'horizontal') ######################################################################## # EVENTS if self.is_shown('event_list') and sources['event'][0].nb_channel > 0: event_list = ephyviewer.EventList(source = sources['event'][0], name = 'Events') if 'Video' in win.viewers: win.add_view(event_list, split_with = 'Video') else: win.add_view(event_list, location = 'bottom', orientation = 'horizontal') ######################################################################## # DATAFRAME annotations_dataframe = _neo_epoch_to_dataframe(seg.epochs, exclude_epoch_encoder_epochs=True) if self.is_shown('data_frame') and len(annotations_dataframe) > 0: data_frame_view = ephyviewer.DataFrameView(source = annotations_dataframe, name = 'Table') if 'Events' in win.viewers: win.add_view(data_frame_view, tabify_with = 'Events') elif 'Video' in win.viewers: win.add_view(data_frame_view, split_with = 'Video') else: win.add_view(data_frame_view, location = 'bottom', orientation = 'horizontal') ######################################################################## # FINAL TOUCHES # select first tabs for widget in win.children(): if isinstance(widget, ephyviewer.PyQt5.QtWidgets.QTabBar): widget.setCurrentIndex(0) # set amount of time shown initially win.set_xsize(self.metadata.get('t_width', 40)) # seconds return win
def _set_defaults_for_plots(metadata, blk): """ Set defaults for plot channels, units, ylim, and ylabel if these parameters are missing from ``metadata``. """ sigs = blk.segments[0].analogsignals signalNameToIndex = { for i, sig in enumerate(sigs)} if metadata.get('plots', None) is None: metadata['plots'] = [{'channel':} for sig in sigs if _default_keep_signal(sig)] plots = [] for plot in metadata['plots']: index = signalNameToIndex.get(plot['channel'], None) if index is None: logger.warning('Removing plot with channel name "{}" because channel was not found in blk!'.format(plot['channel'])) else: plot['index'] = index plot.setdefault('units', _default_units(sigs[index])) plot.setdefault('ylim', _default_ylim(sigs[index])) plot.setdefault('ylabel', sigs[index].name) plots.append(plot) metadata['plots'] = plots return metadata['plots'] def _default_keep_signal(sig): """ If ``plots`` is not specified in ``metadata``, this function determines which channels are plotted by default. """ return (not'Analog Input #')) and ( != 'Clock') def _default_units(sig): """ If ``plots`` is missing ``units`` in ``metadata``, this function determines default units. """ mapping = { 'V': 'uV', # convert voltages to microvolts 'N': 'mN', # convert forces to millinewtons } mapping = {pq.Quantity(1, k).dimensionality.simplified: v for k, v in mapping.items()} return mapping.get(sig.units.dimensionality.simplified, sig.units) def _default_ylim(sig): """ If ``plots`` is missing ``ylim`` in ``metadata``, this function determines default plot ranges. """ mapping = { 'V': [-120, 120], # plot range for voltages 'N': [ -10, 300], # plot range for forces } mapping = {pq.Quantity(1, k).dimensionality.simplified: v for k, v in mapping.items()} return mapping.get(sig.units.dimensionality.simplified, [-1, 1]) def _neo_epoch_to_dataframe(neo_epochs, exclude_epoch_encoder_epochs=False): """ Convert a list of Neo Epochs into a dataframe. """ dtypes = { 'Start (s)': float, 'End (s)': float, 'Duration (s)': float, 'Type': str, 'Label': str, } columns = list(dtypes.keys()) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) for ep in neo_epochs: if not exclude_epoch_encoder_epochs or '(from epoch encoder file)' not in ep.labels: data = np.array([ep.times, ep.times+ep.durations, ep.durations, []*len(ep), ep.labels]).T df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns), ignore_index=True) return df.astype(dtype=dtypes).sort_values(['Start (s)', 'End (s)', 'Type', 'Label']).reset_index(drop=True) def _estimate_video_jump_times(blk): """ Estimate how much time to skip in video playback if AxoGraph was temporarily paused during data acquisition while the video continued to record. Returns a list of ordered pairs suitable for the video_jumps metadata parameter. The returned stop times are exact, but pause durations have only whole-second precision and should be manually refined by inspecting the video before using. """ if 'notes' not in blk.annotations: return None else: # obtain approximate start and stop times according to AxoGraph notes note_start_times = np.array([0], note_stop_times = np.array([], for note_line in blk.annotations['notes'].split('\n'): m = re.match('\d\d\d: Start at (\d*) s', note_line) if m: note_start_times = np.append(note_start_times, int( m = re.match('\d\d\d: Stop at (\d*) s', note_line) if m: note_stop_times = np.append(note_stop_times, int( # calculate approximate pause durations pause_durations = note_start_times[1:]-note_stop_times[:-1] # obtain exact stop times (AxoGraph time, not video time) event_stop_times = np.array([], dtype=np.float) ev = next((ev for ev in blk.segments[0].events if == 'AxoGraph Tags'), None) if ev is not None: for time, label in zip(ev.times, ev.labels): if label == 'Stop': event_stop_times = np.append(event_stop_times, time.magnitude) # pair stop times with pause durations video_jumps = [] for t, dur in zip(event_stop_times[:-1], pause_durations): video_jumps.append([t, dur]) return video_jumps