Source code for neurotic._elephant_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic._elephant_tools` module contains functions and classes
copied from the elephant_ package, which are included for convenience and to
eliminate dependency on that package. Original code that builds on this work
(e.g., a new kernel) is also contained in this module.

.. warning::

    This module and the functions and classes it contains are not intended to
    be part of **neurotic**'s public API, so the module name begins with an
    underscore. This module may be moved, renamed, or removed at a future date
    and replaced with explicit dependence on the elephant_ package.

.. _elephant:

.. autoclass:: CausalAlphaKernel

# elephant is licensed under BSD-3-Clause:
# Copyright (c) 2014-2019, Elephant authors and contributors All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary
# * form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
# * the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# * with the distribution. Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the
# * names of the contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
# * from this software without specific prior written permission.

import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import scipy.special
import quantities as pq
from quantities import ms, mV, Hz, Quantity, dimensionless
import neo
from neo import SpikeTrain

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# elephant.kernels

def inherit_docstring(fromfunc, sep=""):
    Decorator: Copy the docstring of `fromfunc`

    based on:
    def _decorator(func):
        parent_doc = fromfunc.__doc__
        if func.__doc__ is None:
            func.__doc__ = parent_doc
            func.__doc__ = sep.join([parent_doc, func.__doc__])
        return func
    return _decorator

class Kernel(object):
    This is the base class for commonly used kernels.

    General definition of kernel:
    A function :math:`K(x, y)` is called a kernel function if
    :math:`\\int K(x, y) g(x) g(y)\\ \\textrm{d}x\\ \\textrm{d}y
    \\ \\geq 0\\ \\ \\ \\forall\\ g \\in L_2`

    Currently implemented kernels are:
        - rectangular
        - triangular
        - epanechnikovlike
        - gaussian
        - laplacian
        - exponential (asymmetric)
        - alpha function (asymmetric)

    In neuroscience a popular application of kernels is in performing smoothing
    operations via convolution. In this case, the kernel has the properties of
    a probability density, i.e., it is positive and normalized to one. Popular
    choices are the rectangular or Gaussian kernels.

    Exponential and alpha kernels may also be used to represent the postynaptic
    current / potentials in a linear (current-based) model.

    sigma : Quantity scalar
        Standard deviation of the kernel.
    invert: bool, optional
        If true, asymmetric kernels (e.g., exponential
        or alpha kernels) are inverted along the time axis.
        Default: False

    def __init__(self, sigma, invert=False):

        if not (isinstance(sigma, pq.Quantity)):
            raise TypeError("sigma must be a quantity!")

        if sigma.magnitude < 0:
            raise ValueError("sigma cannot be negative!")

        if not isinstance(invert, bool):
            raise ValueError("invert must be bool!")

        self.sigma = sigma
        self.invert = invert

    def __call__(self, t):
        Evaluates the kernel at all points in the array `t`.

        t : Quantity 1D
            Interval on which the kernel is evaluated, not necessarily
            a time interval.

            Quantity 1D
            The result of the kernel evaluations.
        if not (isinstance(t, pq.Quantity)):
            raise TypeError("The argument of the kernel callable must be "
                            "of type quantity!")

        if t.dimensionality.simplified != self.sigma.dimensionality.simplified:
            raise TypeError("The dimensionality of sigma and the input array "
                            "to the callable kernel object must be the same. "
                            "Otherwise a normalization to 1 of the kernel "
                            "cannot be performed.")

        self._sigma_scaled = self.sigma.rescale(t.units)
        # A hidden variable _sigma_scaled is introduced here in order to avoid
        # accumulation of floating point errors of sigma upon multiple
        # usages of the __call__ - function for the same Kernel instance.

        return self._evaluate(t)

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        Evaluates the kernel.

        t : Quantity 1D
            Interval on which the kernel is evaluated, not necessarily
            a time interval.

            Quantity 1D
            The result of the kernel evaluation.
        raise NotImplementedError("The Kernel class should not be used directly, "
                                  "instead the subclasses for the single kernels.")

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        Calculates the boundary :math:`b` so that the integral from
        :math:`-b` to :math:`b` encloses a certain fraction of the
        integral over the complete kernel. By definition the returned value
        of the method boundary_enclosing_area_fraction is hence non-negative,
        even if the whole probability mass of the kernel is concentrated over
        negative support for inverted kernels.

        fraction : float
            Fraction of the whole area which has to be enclosed.

            Quantity scalar
            Boundary of the kernel containing area `fraction` under the
            kernel density.
        sigma_division = 500            # arbitrary choice
        interval = self.sigma / sigma_division
        self._sigma_scaled = self.sigma
        area = 0
        counter = 0
        while area < fraction:
            area += (self._evaluate((counter + 1) * interval) +
                     self._evaluate(counter * interval)) * interval / 2
            area += (self._evaluate(-1 * (counter + 1) * interval) +
                     self._evaluate(-1 * counter * interval)) * interval / 2
            counter += 1
            if(counter > 250000):
                raise ValueError("fraction was chosen too close to one such "
                                 "that in combination with integral "
                                 "approximation errors the calculation of a "
                                 "boundary was not possible.")
        return counter * interval

    def _check_fraction(self, fraction):
        Checks the input variable of the method boundary_enclosing_area_fraction
        for validity of type and value.

        fraction : float or int
            Fraction of the area under the kernel function.
        if not isinstance(fraction, (float, int)):
            raise TypeError("`fraction` must be float or integer!")
        if not 0 <= fraction < 1:
            raise ValueError("`fraction` must be in the interval [0, 1)!")

    def median_index(self, t):
        Estimates the index of the Median of the kernel.
        This parameter is not mandatory for symmetrical kernels but it is
        required when asymmetrical kernels have to be aligned at their median.

        t : Quantity 1D
            Interval on which the kernel is evaluated,

            Index of the estimated value of the kernel median.

        The formula in this method using retrieval of the sampling interval
        from t only works for t with equidistant intervals!
        The formula calculates the Median slightly wrong by the potentially
        ignored probability in the distribution corresponding to lower values
        than the minimum in the array t.
        return np.nonzero(self(t).cumsum() *
                          (t[len(t) - 1] - t[0]) / (len(t) - 1) >= 0.5)[0].min()

    def is_symmetric(self):
        In the case of symmetric kernels, this method is overwritten in the
        class SymmetricKernel, where it returns 'True', hence leaving the
        here returned value 'False' for the asymmetric kernels.
        return False

class SymmetricKernel(Kernel):
    Base class for symmetric kernels.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += Kernel.__doc__

    def is_symmetric(self):
        return True

class RectangularKernel(SymmetricKernel):
    Class for rectangular kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = \\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} \\frac{1}{2 \\tau}, & |t| < \\tau \\\\
        0, & |t| \\geq \\tau \\end{array} \\right.

    with :math:`\\tau = \\sqrt{3} \\sigma` corresponding to the half width
    of the kernel.

    Besides the standard deviation `sigma`, for consistency of interfaces the
    parameter `invert` needed for asymmetric kernels also exists without
    having any effect in the case of symmetric kernels.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += SymmetricKernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = np.sqrt(3.0)
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        return (0.5 / (np.sqrt(3.0) * self._sigma_scaled)) * \
               (np.absolute(t) < np.sqrt(3.0) * self._sigma_scaled)

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        return np.sqrt(3.0) * self.sigma * fraction

class TriangularKernel(SymmetricKernel):
    Class for triangular kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} \\frac{1}{\\tau} (1
        - \\frac{|t|}{\\tau}), & |t| < \\tau \\\\
         0, & |t| \\geq \\tau \\end{array} \\right.

    with :math:`\\tau = \\sqrt{6} \\sigma` corresponding to the half width of
    the kernel.

    Besides the standard deviation `sigma`, for consistency of interfaces the
    parameter `invert` needed for asymmetric kernels also exists without
    having any effect in the case of symmetric kernels.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += SymmetricKernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = np.sqrt(6.0)
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        return (1.0 / (np.sqrt(6.0) * self._sigma_scaled)) * np.maximum(
            (1.0 - (np.absolute(t) /
                    (np.sqrt(6.0) * self._sigma_scaled)).magnitude))

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        return np.sqrt(6.0) * self.sigma * (1 - np.sqrt(1 - fraction))

class EpanechnikovLikeKernel(SymmetricKernel):
    Class for epanechnikov-like kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = \\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} (3 /(4 d)) (1 - (t / d)^2),
        & |t| < d \\\\
        0, & |t| \\geq d \\end{array} \\right.

    with :math:`d = \\sqrt{5} \\sigma` being the half width of the kernel.

    The Epanechnikov kernel under full consideration of its axioms has a half
    width of :math:`\\sqrt{5}`. Ignoring one axiom also the respective kernel
    with half width = 1 can be called Epanechnikov kernel.
    ( )
    However, arbitrary width of this type of kernel is here preferred to be
    called 'Epanechnikov-like' kernel.

    Besides the standard deviation `sigma`, for consistency of interfaces the
    parameter `invert` needed for asymmetric kernels also exists without
    having any effect in the case of symmetric kernels.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += SymmetricKernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = np.sqrt(5.0)
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        return (3.0 / (4.0 * np.sqrt(5.0) * self._sigma_scaled)) * np.maximum(
            1 - (t / (np.sqrt(5.0) * self._sigma_scaled)).magnitude ** 2)

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        For Epanechnikov-like kernels, integration of its density within
        the boundaries 0 and :math:`b`, and then solving for :math:`b` leads
        to the problem of finding the roots of a polynomial of third order.
        The implemented formulas are based on the solution of this problem
        given in,
        where the following 3 solutions are given:
            - :math:`u_1 = 1`: Solution on negative side
            - :math:`u_2 = \\frac{-1 + i\\sqrt{3}}{2}`: Solution for larger
              values than zero crossing of the density
            - :math:`u_3 = \\frac{-1 - i\\sqrt{3}}{2}`: Solution for smaller
              values than zero crossing of the density
        The solution :math:`u_3` is the relevant one for the problem at hand,
        since it involves only positive area contributions.
        # Python's complex-operator cannot handle quantities, hence the
        # following construction on quantities is necessary:
        Delta_0 = complex(1.0 / (5.0 * self.sigma.magnitude**2), 0) / \
        Delta_1 = complex(2.0 * np.sqrt(5.0) * fraction /
                          (25.0 * self.sigma.magnitude**3), 0) / \
        C = ((Delta_1 + (Delta_1**2.0 - 4.0 * Delta_0**3.0)**(1.0 / 2.0)) /
             2.0)**(1.0 / 3.0)
        u_3 = complex(-1.0 / 2.0, -np.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0)
        b = -5.0 * self.sigma**2 * (u_3 * C + Delta_0 / (u_3 * C))
        return b.real

class GaussianKernel(SymmetricKernel):
    Class for gaussian kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = (\\frac{1}{\\sigma \\sqrt{2 \\pi}})
        \\exp(-\\frac{t^2}{2 \\sigma^2})

    with :math:`\\sigma` being the standard deviation.

    Besides the standard deviation `sigma`, for consistency of interfaces the
    parameter `invert` needed for asymmetric kernels also exists without
    having any effect in the case of symmetric kernels.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += SymmetricKernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = 3.0
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        return (1.0 / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * self._sigma_scaled)) * np.exp(
            -0.5 * (t / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude ** 2)

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        return self.sigma * np.sqrt(2.0) * scipy.special.erfinv(fraction)

class LaplacianKernel(SymmetricKernel):
    Class for laplacian kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = \\frac{1}{2 \\tau} \\exp(-|\\frac{t}{\\tau}|)

    with :math:`\\tau = \\sigma / \\sqrt{2}`.

    Besides the standard deviation `sigma`, for consistency of interfaces the
    parameter `invert` needed for asymmetric kernels also exists without
    having any effect in the case of symmetric kernels.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += SymmetricKernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = 3.0
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        return (1 / (np.sqrt(2.0) * self._sigma_scaled)) * np.exp(
            -(np.absolute(t) * np.sqrt(2.0) / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude)

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        return -self.sigma * np.log(1.0 - fraction) / np.sqrt(2.0)

class ExponentialKernel(Kernel):
    Class for exponential kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = \\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} (1 / \\tau) \\exp{(-t / \\tau)},
        & t > 0 \\\\
        0, & t \\leq 0 \\end{array} \\right.

    with :math:`\\tau = \\sigma`.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += Kernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = 3.0
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        if not self.invert:
            kernel = (t >= 0) * (1. / self._sigma_scaled.magnitude) *\
                np.exp((-t / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude) / t.units
        elif self.invert:
            kernel = (t <= 0) * (1. / self._sigma_scaled.magnitude) *\
                np.exp((t / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude) / t.units
        return kernel

    def boundary_enclosing_area_fraction(self, fraction):
        return -self.sigma * np.log(1.0 - fraction)

class AlphaKernel(Kernel):
    Class for alpha kernels

    .. math::
        K(t) = \\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} (1 / \\tau^2)
        \\ t\\ \\exp{(-t / \\tau)}, & t > 0 \\\\
        0, & t \\leq 0 \\end{array} \\right.

    with :math:`\\tau = \\sigma / \\sqrt{2}`.

    For the alpha kernel an analytical expression for the boundary of the
    integral as a function of the area under the alpha kernel function
    cannot be given. Hence in this case the value of the boundary is
    determined by kernel-approximating numerical integration, inherited
    from the Kernel class.

    Derived from:
    __doc__ += Kernel.__doc__

    def min_cutoff(self):
        min_cutoff = 3.0
        return min_cutoff

    def _evaluate(self, t):
        if not self.invert:
            kernel = (t >= 0) * 2. * (t / self._sigma_scaled**2).magnitude *\
                    -t * np.sqrt(2.) / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude) / t.units
        elif self.invert:
            kernel = (t <= 0) * -2. * (t / self._sigma_scaled**2).magnitude *\
                    t * np.sqrt(2.) / self._sigma_scaled).magnitude) / t.units
        return kernel

# kernels unique to neurotic

[docs]class CausalAlphaKernel(AlphaKernel): """ This modified version of :class:`elephant.kernels.AlphaKernel` shifts time such that convolution of the kernel with spike trains (as in :func:`elephant.statistics.instantaneous_rate`) results in alpha functions that begin rising at the spike time, not before. The entire area of the kernel comes after the spike, rather than half before and half after, as with :class:`AlphaKernel <elephant.kernels.AlphaKernel>`. Consequently, CausalAlphaKernel can be used in causal filters. The equation used for CausalAlphaKernel is .. math:: K(t) = \\left\\{\\begin{array}{ll} (1 / \\tau^2) \\ t\\ \\exp{(-t / \\tau)}, & t > 0 \\\\ 0, & t \\leq 0 \\end{array} \\right. with :math:`\\tau = \\sigma / \\sqrt{2}`, where :math:`\\sigma` is the parameter passed to the class initializer. In neuroscience a popular application of kernels is in performing smoothing operations via convolution. In this case, the kernel has the properties of a probability density, i.e., it is positive and normalized to one. Popular choices are the rectangular or Gaussian kernels. Exponential and alpha kernels may also be used to represent the postynaptic current / potentials in a linear (current-based) model. sigma : Quantity scalar Standard deviation of the kernel. invert: bool, optional If true, asymmetric kernels (e.g., exponential or alpha kernels) are inverted along the time axis. Default: False """ def median_index(self, t): """ In CausalAlphaKernel, "median_index" is a misnomer. Instead of returning the index into t that gives half area above and half below (median), it returns the index for the first non-negative time, which always corresponds to the start of the rise phase of the alpha function. This hack ensures that, when the kernel is convolved with a spike train, the entire alpha function is located to the right of each spike time. Overrides the following: """ return np.nonzero(t >= 0)[0].min() median_index.__doc__ += AlphaKernel.median_index.__doc__
############################################################################### # elephant.signal_processing def butter(signal, highpass_freq=None, lowpass_freq=None, order=4, filter_function='filtfilt', fs=1.0, axis=-1): """ Butterworth filtering function for neo.AnalogSignal. Filter type is determined according to how values of `highpass_freq` and `lowpass_freq` are given (see Parameters section for details). Parameters ---------- signal : AnalogSignal or Quantity array or NumPy ndarray Time series data to be filtered. When given as Quantity array or NumPy ndarray, the sampling frequency should be given through the keyword argument `fs`. highpass_freq, lowpass_freq : Quantity or float High-pass and low-pass cut-off frequencies, respectively. When given as float, the given value is taken as frequency in Hz. Filter type is determined depending on values of these arguments: * highpass_freq only (lowpass_freq = None): highpass filter * lowpass_freq only (highpass_freq = None): lowpass filter * highpass_freq < lowpass_freq: bandpass filter * highpass_freq > lowpass_freq: bandstop filter order : int Order of Butterworth filter. Default is 4. filter_function : string Filtering function to be used. Available filters: * 'filtfilt': `scipy.signal.filtfilt()`; * 'lfilter': `scipy.signal.lfilter()`; * 'sosfiltfilt': `scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt()`. In most applications 'filtfilt' should be used, because it doesn't bring about phase shift due to filtering. For numerically stable filtering, in particular higher order filters, use 'sosfiltfilt' (see issue Default is 'filtfilt'. fs : Quantity or float The sampling frequency of the input time series. When given as float, its value is taken as frequency in Hz. When the input is given as neo AnalogSignal, its attribute is used to specify the sampling frequency and this parameter is ignored. Default is 1.0. axis : int Axis along which filter is applied. Default is -1. Returns ------- filtered_signal : AnalogSignal or Quantity array or NumPy ndarray Filtered input data. The shape and type is identical to those of the input. Raises ------ ValueError If `filter_function` is not one of 'lfilter', 'filtfilt', or 'sosfiltfilt'. When both `highpass_freq` and `lowpass_freq` are None. """ available_filters = 'lfilter', 'filtfilt', 'sosfiltfilt' if filter_function not in available_filters: raise ValueError("Invalid `filter_function`: {filter_function}. " "Available filters: {available_filters}".format( filter_function=filter_function, available_filters=available_filters)) # design filter if hasattr(signal, 'sampling_rate'): fs = signal.sampling_rate.rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude if isinstance(highpass_freq, pq.quantity.Quantity): highpass_freq = highpass_freq.rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude if isinstance(lowpass_freq, pq.quantity.Quantity): lowpass_freq = lowpass_freq.rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude Fn = fs / 2. # filter type is determined according to the values of cut-off # frequencies if lowpass_freq and highpass_freq: if highpass_freq < lowpass_freq: Wn = (highpass_freq / Fn, lowpass_freq / Fn) btype = 'bandpass' else: Wn = (lowpass_freq / Fn, highpass_freq / Fn) btype = 'bandstop' elif lowpass_freq: Wn = lowpass_freq / Fn btype = 'lowpass' elif highpass_freq: Wn = highpass_freq / Fn btype = 'highpass' else: raise ValueError( "Either highpass_freq or lowpass_freq must be given" ) if filter_function == 'sosfiltfilt': output = 'sos' else: output = 'ba' designed_filter = scipy.signal.butter(order, Wn, btype=btype, output=output) # When the input is AnalogSignal, the axis for time index (i.e. the # first axis) needs to be rolled to the last data = np.asarray(signal) if isinstance(signal, neo.AnalogSignal): data = np.rollaxis(data, 0, len(data.shape)) # apply filter if filter_function == 'lfilter': b, a = designed_filter filtered_data = scipy.signal.lfilter(b=b, a=a, x=data, axis=axis) elif filter_function == 'filtfilt': b, a = designed_filter filtered_data = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b=b, a=a, x=data, axis=axis) else: filtered_data = scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt(sos=designed_filter, x=data, axis=axis) if isinstance(signal, neo.AnalogSignal): filtered_data = np.rollaxis(filtered_data, -1, 0) return signal.duplicate_with_new_data(filtered_data) elif isinstance(signal, pq.quantity.Quantity): return filtered_data * signal.units else: return filtered_data def rauc(signal, baseline=None, bin_duration=None, t_start=None, t_stop=None): ''' Calculate the rectified area under the curve (RAUC) for an AnalogSignal. The signal is optionally divided into bins with duration `bin_duration`, and the rectified signal (absolute value) is integrated within each bin to find the area under the curve. The mean or median of the signal or an arbitrary baseline may optionally be subtracted before rectification. If the number of bins is 1 (default), a single value is returned for each channel in the input signal. Otherwise, an AnalogSignal containing the values for each bin is returned along with the times of the centers of the bins. Parameters ---------- signal : neo.AnalogSignal The signal to integrate. If `signal` contains more than one channel, each is integrated separately. bin_duration : quantities.Quantity The length of time that each integration should span. If None, there will be only one bin spanning the entire signal duration. If `bin_duration` does not divide evenly into the signal duration, the end of the signal is padded with zeros to accomodate the final, overextending bin. Default: None baseline : string or quantities.Quantity A factor to subtract from the signal before rectification. If `'mean'` or `'median'`, the mean or median value of the entire signal is subtracted on a channel-by-channel basis. Default: None t_start, t_stop : quantities.Quantity Times to start and end the algorithm. The signal is cropped using `signal.time_slice(t_start, t_stop)` after baseline removal. Useful if you want the RAUC for a short section of the signal but want the mean or median calculation (`baseline='mean'` or `baseline='median'`) to use the entire signal for better baseline estimation. Default: None Returns ------- quantities.Quantity or neo.AnalogSignal If the number of bins is 1, the returned object is a scalar or vector Quantity containing a single RAUC value for each channel. Otherwise, the returned object is an AnalogSignal containing the RAUC(s) for each bin stored as a sample, with times corresponding to the center of each bin. The output signal will have the same number of channels as the input signal. Raises ------ TypeError If the input signal is not a neo.AnalogSignal. TypeError If `bin_duration` is not None or a Quantity. TypeError If `baseline` is not None, `'mean'`, `'median'`, or a Quantity. ''' if not isinstance(signal, neo.AnalogSignal): raise TypeError('Input signal is not a neo.AnalogSignal!') if baseline is None: pass elif baseline == 'mean': # subtract mean from each channel signal = signal - signal.mean(axis=0) elif baseline == 'median': # subtract median from each channel signal = signal - np.median(signal.as_quantity(), axis=0) elif isinstance(baseline, pq.Quantity): # subtract arbitrary baseline signal = signal - baseline else: raise TypeError( 'baseline must be None, \'mean\', \'median\', ' 'or a Quantity: {}'.format(baseline)) # slice the signal after subtracting baseline signal = signal.time_slice(t_start, t_stop) if bin_duration is not None: # from bin duration, determine samples per bin and number of bins if isinstance(bin_duration, pq.Quantity): samples_per_bin = int(np.round( bin_duration.rescale('s')/signal.sampling_period.rescale('s'))) n_bins = int(np.ceil(signal.shape[0]/samples_per_bin)) else: raise TypeError( 'bin_duration must be a Quantity: {}'.format(bin_duration)) else: # all samples in one bin samples_per_bin = signal.shape[0] n_bins = 1 # store the actual bin duration bin_duration = samples_per_bin * signal.sampling_period # reshape into equal size bins, padding the end with zeros if necessary n_channels = signal.shape[1] sig_binned = signal.as_quantity().copy() sig_binned.resize(n_bins * samples_per_bin, n_channels, refcheck=False) sig_binned = sig_binned.reshape(n_bins, samples_per_bin, n_channels) # rectify and integrate over each bin rauc = np.trapz(np.abs(sig_binned), dx=signal.sampling_period, axis=1) if n_bins == 1: # return a single value for each channel return rauc.squeeze() else: # return an AnalogSignal with times corresponding to center of each bin rauc_sig = neo.AnalogSignal( rauc, t_start=signal.t_start.rescale(bin_duration.units)+bin_duration/2, sampling_period=bin_duration) return rauc_sig ############################################################################### # elephant.spike_train_generation def peak_detection(signal, threshold=0.0 * mV, sign='above', format=None): """ Return the peak times for all events that cross threshold. Usually used for extracting spike times from a membrane potential. Similar to spike_train_generation.threshold_detection. Parameters ---------- signal : neo AnalogSignal object 'signal' is an analog signal. threshold : A quantity, e.g. in mV 'threshold' contains a value that must be reached for an event to be detected. sign : 'above' or 'below' 'sign' determines whether to count thresholding crossings that cross above or below the threshold. Default: 'above'. format : None or 'raw' Whether to return as SpikeTrain (None) or as a plain array of times ('raw'). Default: None. Returns ------- result_st : neo SpikeTrain object 'result_st' contains the spike times of each of the events (spikes) extracted from the signal. """ assert threshold is not None, "A threshold must be provided" if sign == 'above': cutout = np.where(signal > threshold)[0] peak_func = np.argmax elif sign == 'below': cutout = np.where(signal < threshold)[0] peak_func = np.argmin else: raise ValueError("sign must be 'above' or 'below'") if len(cutout) <= 0: events_base = np.zeros(0) else: # Select thr crossings lasting at least 2 dtps, np.diff(cutout) > 2 # This avoids empty slices border_start = np.where(np.diff(cutout) > 1)[0] border_end = border_start + 1 borders = np.concatenate((border_start, border_end)) borders = np.append(0, borders) borders = np.append(borders, len(cutout)-1) borders = np.sort(borders) true_borders = cutout[borders] right_borders = true_borders[1::2] + 1 true_borders = np.sort(np.append(true_borders[0::2], right_borders)) # Workaround for bug that occurs when signal goes below thr for 1 dtp, # Workaround eliminates empy slices from np. split backward_mask = np.absolute(np.ediff1d(true_borders, to_begin=1)) > 0 forward_mask = np.absolute(np.ediff1d(true_borders[::-1], to_begin=1)[::-1]) > 0 true_borders = true_borders[backward_mask * forward_mask] split_signal = np.split(np.array(signal), true_borders)[1::2] maxima_idc_split = np.array([peak_func(x) for x in split_signal]) max_idc = maxima_idc_split + true_borders[0::2] events = signal.times[max_idc] events_base = events.magnitude if events_base is None: # This occurs in some Python 3 builds due to some # bug in quantities. events_base = np.array([event.magnitude for event in events]) # Workaround if format is None: result_st = SpikeTrain(events_base, units=signal.times.units, t_start=signal.t_start, t_stop=signal.t_stop) elif 'raw': result_st = events_base else: raise ValueError("Format argument must be None or 'raw'") return result_st ############################################################################### # elephant.statistics def isi(spiketrain, axis=-1): """ Return an array containing the inter-spike intervals of the SpikeTrain. Accepts a Neo SpikeTrain, a Quantity array, or a plain NumPy array. If either a SpikeTrain or Quantity array is provided, the return value will be a quantities array, otherwise a plain NumPy array. The units of the quantities array will be the same as spiketrain. Parameters ---------- spiketrain : Neo SpikeTrain or Quantity array or NumPy ndarray The spike times. axis : int, optional The axis along which the difference is taken. Default is the last axis. Returns ------- NumPy array or quantities array. """ if axis is None: axis = -1 if isinstance(spiketrain, neo.SpikeTrain): intervals = np.diff( np.sort(spiketrain.times.view(pq.Quantity)), axis=axis) else: intervals = np.diff(np.sort(spiketrain), axis=axis) return intervals def instantaneous_rate(spiketrain, sampling_period, kernel='auto', cutoff=5.0, t_start=None, t_stop=None, trim=False): """ Estimates instantaneous firing rate by kernel convolution. Parameters ----------- spiketrain : neo.SpikeTrain or list of neo.SpikeTrain objects Neo object that contains spike times, the unit of the time stamps and t_start and t_stop of the spike train. sampling_period : Time Quantity Time stamp resolution of the spike times. The same resolution will be assumed for the kernel kernel : string 'auto' or callable object of :class:`Kernel` from module ''. Currently implemented kernel forms are rectangular, triangular, epanechnikovlike, gaussian, laplacian, exponential, and alpha function. Example: kernel = kernels.RectangularKernel(sigma=10*ms, invert=False) The kernel is used for convolution with the spike train and its standard deviation determines the time resolution of the instantaneous rate estimation. Default: 'auto'. In this case, the optimized kernel width for the rate estimation is calculated according to [1] and with this width a gaussian kernel is constructed. Automatized calculation of the kernel width is not available for other than gaussian kernel shapes. cutoff : float This factor determines the cutoff of the probability distribution of the kernel, i.e., the considered width of the kernel in terms of multiples of the standard deviation sigma. Default: 5.0 t_start : Time Quantity (optional) Start time of the interval used to compute the firing rate. If None assumed equal to spiketrain.t_start Default: None t_stop : Time Quantity (optional) End time of the interval used to compute the firing rate (included). If None assumed equal to spiketrain.t_stop Default: None trim : bool if False, the output of the Fast Fourier Transformation being a longer vector than the input vector by the size of the kernel is reduced back to the original size of the considered time interval of the spiketrain using the median of the kernel. if True, only the region of the convolved signal is returned, where there is complete overlap between kernel and spike train. This is achieved by reducing the length of the output of the Fast Fourier Transformation by a total of two times the size of the kernel, and t_start and t_stop are adjusted. Default: False Returns ------- rate : neo.AnalogSignal Contains the rate estimation in unit hertz (Hz). Has a property 'rate.times' which contains the time axis of the rate estimate. The unit of this property is the same as the resolution that is given via the argument 'sampling_period' to the function. Raises ------ TypeError: If `spiketrain` is not an instance of :class:`SpikeTrain` of Neo. If `sampling_period` is not a time quantity. If `kernel` is neither instance of :class:`Kernel` or string 'auto'. If `cutoff` is neither float nor int. If `t_start` and `t_stop` are neither None nor a time quantity. If `trim` is not bool. ValueError: If `sampling_period` is smaller than zero. Example -------- kernel = kernels.AlphaKernel(sigma = 0.05*s, invert = True) rate = instantaneous_rate(spiketrain, sampling_period = 2*ms, kernel) References ---------- ..[1] H. Shimazaki, S. Shinomoto, J Comput Neurosci (2010) 29:171–182. """ # Merge spike trains if list of spike trains given: if isinstance(spiketrain, list): _check_consistency_of_spiketrainlist( spiketrain, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) if t_start is None: t_start = spiketrain[0].t_start if t_stop is None: t_stop = spiketrain[0].t_stop spikes = np.concatenate([st.magnitude for st in spiketrain]) merged_spiketrain = SpikeTrain(np.sort(spikes), units=spiketrain[0].units, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) return instantaneous_rate(merged_spiketrain, sampling_period=sampling_period, kernel=kernel, cutoff=cutoff, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop, trim=trim) # Checks of input variables: if not isinstance(spiketrain, SpikeTrain): raise TypeError( "spiketrain must be instance of :class:`SpikeTrain` of Neo!\n" " Found: %s, value %s" % (type(spiketrain), str(spiketrain))) if not (isinstance(sampling_period, pq.Quantity) and sampling_period.dimensionality.simplified == pq.Quantity(1, "s").dimensionality): raise TypeError( "The sampling period must be a time quantity!\n" " Found: %s, value %s" % (type(sampling_period), str(sampling_period))) if sampling_period.magnitude < 0: raise ValueError("The sampling period must be larger than zero.") if kernel == 'auto': kernel_width = sskernel(spiketrain.magnitude, tin=None, bootstrap=True)['optw'] if kernel_width is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to calculate optimal kernel width for " "instantaneous rate from input data.") unit = spiketrain.units sigma = 1 / (2.0 * 2.7) * kernel_width * unit # factor 2.0 connects kernel width with its half width, # factor 2.7 connects half width of Gaussian distribution with # 99% probability mass with its standard deviation. kernel = GaussianKernel(sigma) elif not isinstance(kernel, Kernel): raise TypeError( "kernel must be either instance of :class:`Kernel` " "or the string 'auto'!\n" " Found: %s, value %s" % (type(kernel), str(kernel))) if not (isinstance(cutoff, float) or isinstance(cutoff, int)): raise TypeError("cutoff must be float or integer!") if not (t_start is None or (isinstance(t_start, pq.Quantity) and t_start.dimensionality.simplified == pq.Quantity(1, "s").dimensionality)): raise TypeError("t_start must be a time quantity!") if not (t_stop is None or (isinstance(t_stop, pq.Quantity) and t_stop.dimensionality.simplified == pq.Quantity(1, "s").dimensionality)): raise TypeError("t_stop must be a time quantity!") if not (isinstance(trim, bool)): raise TypeError("trim must be bool!") # main function: units = pq.CompoundUnit( "%s*s" % str(sampling_period.rescale('s').magnitude)) spiketrain = spiketrain.rescale(units) if t_start is None: t_start = spiketrain.t_start else: t_start = t_start.rescale(spiketrain.units) if t_stop is None: t_stop = spiketrain.t_stop else: t_stop = t_stop.rescale(spiketrain.units) time_vector = np.zeros(int((t_stop - t_start)) + 1) spikes_slice = spiketrain.time_slice(t_start, t_stop) \ if len(spiketrain) else np.array([]) for spike in spikes_slice: index = int((spike - t_start)) time_vector[index] += 1 if cutoff < kernel.min_cutoff: cutoff = kernel.min_cutoff warnings.warn("The width of the kernel was adjusted to a minimally " "allowed width.") t_arr = np.arange(-cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude, cutoff * kernel.sigma.rescale(units).magnitude + sampling_period.rescale(units).magnitude, sampling_period.rescale(units).magnitude) * units r = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(time_vector, kernel(t_arr).rescale(pq.Hz).magnitude, 'full') if np.any(r < 0): # warnings.warn("Instantaneous firing rate approximation contains " # "negative values, possibly caused due to machine " # "precision errors.") r = r.clip(0, None) # replace negative values with 0 if not trim: r = r[kernel.median_index(t_arr):-(kernel(t_arr).size - kernel.median_index(t_arr))] elif trim: r = r[2 * kernel.median_index(t_arr):-2 * (kernel(t_arr).size - kernel.median_index(t_arr))] t_start += kernel.median_index(t_arr) * spiketrain.units t_stop -= (kernel(t_arr).size - kernel.median_index(t_arr)) * spiketrain.units rate = neo.AnalogSignal(signal=r.reshape(r.size, 1), sampling_period=sampling_period, units=pq.Hz, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) return rate def nextpow2(x): """ Return the smallest integral power of 2 that >= x """ n = 2 while n < x: n = 2 * n return n def fftkernel(x, w): """ y = fftkernel(x,w) Function `fftkernel' applies the Gauss kernel smoother to an input signal using FFT algorithm. Input argument x: Sample signal vector. w: Kernel bandwidth (the standard deviation) in unit of the sampling resolution of x. Output argument y: Smoothed signal. MAY 5/23, 2012 Author Hideaki Shimazaki RIKEN Brain Science Insitute Ported to Python: Subhasis Ray, NCBS. Tue Jun 10 10:42:38 IST 2014 """ L = len(x) Lmax = L + 3 * w n = nextpow2(Lmax) X = np.fft.fft(x, n) f = np.arange(0, n, 1.0) / n f = np.concatenate((-f[:int(n / 2)], f[int(n / 2):0:-1])) K = np.exp(-0.5 * (w * 2 * np.pi * f)**2) y = np.fft.ifft(X * K, n) y = y[:L].copy() return y def logexp(x): if x < 1e2: y = np.log(1 + np.exp(x)) else: y = x return y def ilogexp(x): if x < 1e2: y = np.log(np.exp(x) - 1) else: y = x return y def cost_function(x, N, w, dt): """ The cost function Cn(w) = sum_{i,j} int k(x - x_i) k(x - x_j) dx - 2 sum_{i~=j} k(x_i - x_j) """ yh = np.abs(fftkernel(x, w / dt)) # density # formula for density C = np.sum(yh ** 2) * dt - 2 * np.sum(yh * x) * \ dt + 2 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / w / N C = C * N * N # formula for rate # C = dt*sum( yh.^2 - 2*yh.*y_hist + 2/sqrt(2*pi)/w*y_hist ) return C, yh def sskernel(spiketimes, tin=None, w=None, bootstrap=False): """ Calculates optimal fixed kernel bandwidth. spiketimes: sequence of spike times (sorted to be ascending). tin: (optional) time points at which the kernel bandwidth is to be estimated. w: (optional) vector of kernel bandwidths. If specified, optimal bandwidth is selected from this. bootstrap (optional): whether to calculate the 95% confidence interval. (default False) Returns A dictionary containing the following key value pairs: 'y': estimated density, 't': points at which estimation was computed, 'optw': optimal kernel bandwidth, 'w': kernel bandwidths examined, 'C': cost functions of w, 'confb95': (lower bootstrap confidence level, upper bootstrap confidence level), 'yb': bootstrap samples. If no optimal kernel could be found, all entries of the dictionary are set to None. Ref: Shimazaki, Hideaki, and Shigeru Shinomoto. 2010. Kernel Bandwidth Optimization in Spike Rate Estimation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 29 (1-2): 171-82. doi:10.1007/s10827-009-0180-4. """ if tin is None: time = np.max(spiketimes) - np.min(spiketimes) isi = np.diff(spiketimes) isi = isi[isi > 0].copy() dt = np.min(isi) tin = np.linspace(np.min(spiketimes), np.max(spiketimes), min(int(time / dt + 0.5), 1000)) # The 1000 seems somewhat arbitrary t = tin else: time = np.max(tin) - np.min(tin) spiketimes = spiketimes[(spiketimes >= np.min(tin)) & (spiketimes <= np.max(tin))].copy() isi = np.diff(spiketimes) isi = isi[isi > 0].copy() dt = np.min(isi) if dt > np.min(np.diff(tin)): t = np.linspace(np.min(tin), np.max(tin), min(int(time / dt + 0.5), 1000)) else: t = tin dt = np.min(np.diff(tin)) yhist, bins = np.histogram(spiketimes, np.r_[t - dt / 2, t[-1] + dt / 2]) N = np.sum(yhist) yhist = yhist / (N * dt) # density optw = None y = None if w is not None: C = np.zeros(len(w)) Cmin = np.inf for k, w_ in enumerate(w): C[k], yh = cost_function(yhist, N, w_, dt) if C[k] < Cmin: Cmin = C[k] optw = w_ y = yh else: # Golden section search on a log-exp scale wmin = 2 * dt wmax = max(spiketimes) - min(spiketimes) imax = 20 # max iterations w = np.zeros(imax) C = np.zeros(imax) tolerance = 1e-5 phi = 0.5 * (np.sqrt(5) + 1) # The Golden ratio a = ilogexp(wmin) b = ilogexp(wmax) c1 = (phi - 1) * a + (2 - phi) * b c2 = (2 - phi) * a + (phi - 1) * b f1, y1 = cost_function(yhist, N, logexp(c1), dt) f2, y2 = cost_function(yhist, N, logexp(c2), dt) k = 0 while (np.abs(b - a) > (tolerance * (np.abs(c1) + np.abs(c2))))\ and (k < imax): if f1 < f2: b = c2 c2 = c1 c1 = (phi - 1) * a + (2 - phi) * b f2 = f1 f1, y1 = cost_function(yhist, N, logexp(c1), dt) w[k] = logexp(c1) C[k] = f1 optw = logexp(c1) y = y1 / (np.sum(y1 * dt)) else: a = c1 c1 = c2 c2 = (2 - phi) * a + (phi - 1) * b f1 = f2 f2, y2 = cost_function(yhist, N, logexp(c2), dt) w[k] = logexp(c2) C[k] = f2 optw = logexp(c2) y = y2 / np.sum(y2 * dt) k = k + 1 # Bootstrap confidence intervals confb95 = None yb = None # If bootstrap is requested, and an optimal kernel was found if bootstrap and optw: nbs = 1000 yb = np.zeros((nbs, len(tin))) for ii in range(nbs): idx = np.floor(np.random.rand(N) * N).astype(int) xb = spiketimes[idx] y_histb, bins = np.histogram( xb, np.r_[t - dt / 2, t[-1] + dt / 2]) / dt / N yb_buf = fftkernel(y_histb, optw / dt).real yb_buf = yb_buf / np.sum(yb_buf * dt) yb[ii, :] = np.interp(tin, t, yb_buf) ybsort = np.sort(yb, axis=0) y95b = ybsort[np.floor(0.05 * nbs).astype(int), :] y95u = ybsort[np.floor(0.95 * nbs).astype(int), :] confb95 = (y95b, y95u) # Only perform interpolation if y could be calculated if y is not None: y = np.interp(tin, t, y) return {'y': y, 't': tin, 'optw': optw, 'w': w, 'C': C, 'confb95': confb95, 'yb': yb} def _check_consistency_of_spiketrainlist(spiketrainlist, t_start=None, t_stop=None): for spiketrain in spiketrainlist: if not isinstance(spiketrain, SpikeTrain): raise TypeError( "spike train must be instance of :class:`SpikeTrain` of Neo!\n" " Found: %s, value %s" % (type(spiketrain), str(spiketrain))) if t_start is None and not spiketrain.t_start == spiketrainlist[0].t_start: raise ValueError( "the spike trains must have the same t_start!") if t_stop is None and not spiketrain.t_stop == spiketrainlist[0].t_stop: raise ValueError( "the spike trains must have the same t_stop!") if not spiketrain.units == spiketrainlist[0].units: raise ValueError( "the spike trains must have the same units!") return None