Source code for neurotic.gui.notebook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic.gui.notebook` module implements Jupyter notebook widget
counterparts for the :class:`MetadataSelector
<neurotic.datasets.metadata.MetadataSelector>` and the
:class:`EphyviewerConfigurator <neurotic.gui.config.EphyviewerConfigurator>`.

.. autoclass:: MetadataSelectorWidget

.. autoclass:: EphyviewerConfiguratorWidget

    import ipywidgets
    from IPython.display import HTML
except ImportError:

from ..datasets.metadata import MetadataSelector, _selector_labels
from ..gui.config import EphyviewerConfigurator

[docs]class MetadataSelectorWidget(MetadataSelector): """ Interactive list box for Jupyter notebooks that allows the user to select which metadata set they would like to work with. >>> metadata = MetadataSelectorWidget(file='metadata.yml') >>> display(metadata) After clicking on an item in the list, the selected metadata set is accessible at ``metadata.selected_metadata``, e.g. >>> metadata.selected_metadata['data_file'] A compact indexing method is implemented that allows the selected metadata set to be accessed directly, e.g. >>> metadata['data_file'] This allows the MetadataSelectorWidget to be passed to functions expecting a simple dictionary corresponding to a single metadata set, and the selected metadata set will be used automatically. """ def __init__(self, file=None, local_data_root=None, remote_data_root=None, initial_selection=None): """ Initialize a new MetadataSelectorWidget. """ assert HAVE_IPYWIDGETS, 'ipywidgets is a requirement for MetadataSelectorWidget' # load the metadata and set the initial selection MetadataSelector.__init__( self, file=file, local_data_root=local_data_root, remote_data_root=remote_data_root, initial_selection=initial_selection) # create a widget container which will be displayed whenever the # MetadataSelectorWidget is displayed self.main_widget = ipywidgets.VBox() self._ipython_display_ = self.main_widget._ipython_display_ # create the selector widget self.selector = ipywidgets.Select() if self.all_metadata is not None: # create display text for the selector from keys and descriptions self.selector.options = zip(_selector_labels(self.all_metadata), self.all_metadata.keys()) # set initial selection if self._selection is None: self.selector.value = list(self.all_metadata)[0] else: self.selector.value = self._selection # use monospace font for items in the selector self.selector.add_class('metadata-selector') try: display(HTML('<style>.metadata-selector select {font-family: monospace;}</style>')) except NameError: # likely operating outside Jupyter notebook pass # set other selector display options self.selector.description = 'Data set:' self.selector.rows = 20 self.selector.layout = ipywidgets.Layout(width = '99%') = {'description_width': 'initial'} # configure the _on_select function to be called whenever the selection changes self.selector.observe(self._on_select, names = 'value') if self.all_metadata is not None: self._on_select({'new': self.selector.value}) # run now on initial selection # create the reload button self.reload_button = ipywidgets.Button(icon='refresh', description='Reload', layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height='auto'), disabled=False) self.reload_button.on_click(self._on_reload_clicked) # create the download button self.download_button = ipywidgets.Button(icon='download', description='Download', layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height='auto'), disabled=False) self.download_button.on_click(self._on_download_clicked) # populate the box # self.main_widget.children = [self.selector, self.reload_button, self.download_button] self.main_widget.children = [self.selector, self.reload_button] def _on_select(self, change): """ Run each time the selection changes. """ self._selection = self.selector.value # warn if video_offset is not set if self.selected_metadata['video_file'] is not None and self.selected_metadata['video_offset'] is None: print('Warning: Video sync may be incorrect! video_offset not set for {}'.format(self._selection)) def _on_reload_clicked(self, button): """ Run each time the reload button is clicked. """ self.load() if self.all_metadata is not None: # remember the current selection old_selection = self._selection # changing the options triggers the selection to change self.selector.options = zip(_selector_labels(self.all_metadata), self.all_metadata.keys()) # reselect the original selection if it still exists if old_selection in self.all_metadata: self.selector.value = old_selection def _on_download_clicked(self, button): """ Run each time the download button is clicked. """ self.download_all_data_files()
[docs]class EphyviewerConfiguratorWidget(EphyviewerConfigurator): """ Interactive button grid for Jupyter notebooks that allows the user to select which ephyviewer viewers they would like to display and then launch ephyviewer. """ def __init__(self, metadata, blk, rauc_sigs = None, lazy = False): """ Initialize a new EphyviewerConfiguratorWidget. """ assert HAVE_IPYWIDGETS, 'ipywidgets is a requirement for EphyviewerConfiguratorWidget' # initial the configurator EphyviewerConfigurator.__init__( self, metadata=metadata, blk=blk, rauc_sigs=rauc_sigs, lazy=lazy) self.viewer_settings['traces'].update({ 'icon': 'line-chart', 'description': 'Traces'}) self.viewer_settings['traces_rauc'].update({ 'icon': 'area-chart', 'description': 'RAUC'}) self.viewer_settings['freqs'].update({ 'icon': 'wifi', 'description': 'Frequencies'}) self.viewer_settings['spike_trains'].update({ 'icon': 'barcode', 'description': 'Spike Trains'}) self.viewer_settings['epochs'].update({ 'icon': 'align-left', 'description': 'Read-Only Epochs'}) self.viewer_settings['epoch_encoder'].update({'icon': 'align-left', 'description': 'Epoch Encoder'}) self.viewer_settings['video'].update({ 'icon': 'youtube-play', 'description': 'Video'}) self.viewer_settings['event_list'].update({ 'icon': 'list', 'description': 'Events'}) self.viewer_settings['data_frame'].update({ 'icon': 'table', 'description': 'Annotation Table'}) # create a widget container which will be displayed whenever the # EphyviewerConfiguratorWidget is displayed self.main_widget = ipywidgets.HBox() self._ipython_display_ = self.main_widget._ipython_display_ # create buttons for controlling which elements to show self.controls = {} for name, d in self.viewer_settings.items(): self.controls[name] = ipywidgets.ToggleButton( value=d['show'], disabled=d['disabled'], icon=d['icon'], description=d['description'], tooltip=d['reason']) self.controls[name].key = name # save control name for _on_toggle self.controls[name].observe(self._on_toggle, names='value') controls_vbox = ipywidgets.VBox(list(self.controls.values())) # create the launch button self.launch_button = ipywidgets.Button(icon='rocket', description='Launch', layout=ipywidgets.Layout(height='auto')) self.launch_button.on_click(self._on_launch_clicked) # populate the box self.main_widget.children = [controls_vbox, self.launch_button] def _on_toggle(self, change): """ Show or hide the viewer corresponding to the clicked button. """ name = change['owner'].key show = change['new'] if show:, name) else: EphyviewerConfigurator.hide(self, name) def _on_launch_clicked(self, button): """ Start a Qt app and create an ephyviewer window. """ self.launch_ephyviewer()
[docs] def enable(self, name): """ Enable the viewer ``name``. """ EphyviewerConfigurator.enable(self, name) if name in self.controls: self.controls[name].disabled = False self.controls[name].tooltip = ''
[docs] def disable(self, name): """ Disable the viewer ``name``. """ EphyviewerConfigurator.disable(self, name) if name in self.controls: self.controls[name].disabled = True
[docs] def show(self, name): """ Show the viewer ``name``. """, name) if name in self.controls: if not self.controls[name].disabled: self.controls[name].value = True
[docs] def hide(self, name): """ Hide the viewer ``name``. """ EphyviewerConfigurator.hide(self, name) if name in self.controls: self.controls[name].value = False