.. _updating: Updating *neurotic* =================== The recommended method of updating *neurotic* depends on the original method of installation. If you are unsure what method you used, updating using ``conda`` or ``pip`` is likely to work. Standalone installers may be safe too, though this could lead to having multiple version installed simultaneously. .. _updating-installers: Updating with Standalone Installers ----------------------------------- If you previously installed *neurotic* using a standalone installer, you may install a newer version using another installer, either into a different directory or by first uninstalling the old version. Installers can be downloaded from the GitHub Releases page: `👉 Download installers here (listed under "Assets") 👈`__ __ `GitHub Releases`_ Alternatively, if a new installer is not currently available for your platform, or if you would just like a much faster method, you may use the command line tools provided by the installer (via the "Anaconda Prompt" on Windows, or the Terminal on macOS and Linux):: conda update -c conda-forge neurotic .. _updating-conda: Updating with conda ------------------- If you installed *neurotic* with `conda`_, you can update to the latest release using :: conda update -c conda-forge neurotic .. _updating-pip: Updating with pip ----------------- If you installed *neurotic* using ``pip``, you can update to the latest release available on PyPI_ using :: pip install -U neurotic Development Version ------------------- If you are interested in trying new, unreleased features of *neurotic*, you may install the latest development version from GitHub_ using :: pip install -U git+https://github.com/jpgill86/neurotic.git Note that if you install the development version, you may also need the latest development version of ephyviewer_, which you can get using :: pip install -U git+https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/ephyviewer.git .. _conda: https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/ .. _ephyviewer: https://ephyviewer.readthedocs.io/en/latest .. _GitHub: https://github.com/jpgill86/neurotic .. _GitHub Releases: https://github.com/jpgill86/neurotic/releases .. _PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/neurotic