Source code for neurotic.datasets.gdrive

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic.datasets.gdrive` module implements a class for downloading
files from Google Drive using paths, rather than file IDs or shareable links.

.. autoclass:: GoogleDriveDownloader

import os
import shutil
import urllib
from functools import reduce
from import tqdm
from pydrive2.auth import GoogleAuth, LoadAuth
from import GoogleDrive

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GoogleDriveDownloader(GoogleDrive): """ A class for downloading files from Google Drive using paths. Files can be specified for download using URL-like paths of the form gdrive://<drive name>/<folder 1>/<...>/<folder N>/<file name> The "<drive name>" may be "My Drive" for files located in a personal Google Drive, or it may be the name of a Shared Drive that the user has permission to access. Note that these URL-like paths are not equivalent to ordinary URLs associated with Google Drive files, such as shareable links, which are composed of pseudorandom file IDs and do not reveal anything about the name of the file or the folders containing it. This class can only download files that are uniquely identifiable by their paths. Google Drive does not require file or folder names to be unique, so two or more files or folders with identical names may coexist in a folder. Such files and folders cannot be distinguished by their paths, so they cannot be downloaded using this class. A download will fail while traversing the file tree if at any step there is more than one folder or file that matches the path. This class manages access authorization, optionally saving authorization tokens to a file so that the authorization flow does not need to be repeated in the future. The ``client_secret_file`` should be the path to a client secret file in JSON format, obtained from the `Google API Console <>`_. The Drive API must be enabled for the corresponding client. If ``save_tokens=False``, the authorization flow (a request via web browser for permission to access Google Drive) will always run the first time a new instance of this class is used, and authorization will not persist after the instance is destroyed. If ``save_tokens=True`` and a file path is provided with ``tokens_file``, access/refresh tokens resulting from a successful authorization are stored in the file, and tokens are loaded from the file in the future, so that the authorization flow does not need to be repeated. """ def __init__(self, client_secret_file, tokens_file=None, save_tokens=False): """ Initialize a new GoogleDriveDownloader. """ self.settings = { 'client_config_file': client_secret_file, 'oauth_scope': [''], 'save_credentials': save_tokens, 'save_credentials_backend': 'file', 'save_credentials_file': tokens_file } GoogleDrive.__init__(self, auth=self._create_auth()) def _create_auth(self): """ Create a GoogleAuth object with the correct settings. """ auth = GoogleAuth() auth.settings.update(self.settings) return auth
[docs] @LoadAuth def authorize(self): """ Obtain tokens for reading the contents of a Google Drive account. If ``save_tokens=True``, tokens will be loaded from the ``tokens_file`` if possible. If tokens cannot be restored this way, or if the loaded tokens have expired, an authorization flow will be initiated, prompting the user through a web browser to grant read-only privileges to the client associated with the ``client_secret_file``. When the authorization flow completes, if ``save_tokens=True``, the newly created tokens will be stored in the ``tokens_file`` for future use. Authorization is performed automatically when needed, but this method can be called directly to retrieve (and possibly store) tokens without initiating a download. """ # the LoadAuth decorator does all the work return
[docs] def deauthorize(self): """ Forget tokens and delete the ``tokens_file``. The authorization flow will be required for the next download. """ if os.path.exists(self.settings['save_credentials_file']): os.remove(self.settings['save_credentials_file']) del self.auth self.auth = self._create_auth()
[docs] def is_authorized(self): """ Get the current authorization state. """ return (self.auth is not None and self.auth.credentials is not None and self.auth.service is not None)
[docs] @LoadAuth def GetUserEmail(self): """ Get the email address for the authorized Google Drive account. """ return self.GetAbout()['user']['emailAddress']
[docs] @LoadAuth def GetSharedDrivesList(self): """ Return information about available Shared Drives. """ # no PyDrive2 interface for this, so implement it here return self.auth.service.drives().list().execute(http=self.http)
[docs] def download(self, gdrive_url, local_file, overwrite_existing=False, show_progress=True, bytes_per_chunk=1024*1024*5): """ Download a file from Google Drive using a URL-like path beginning with "gdrive://". """ if not overwrite_existing and os.path.exists(local_file):'Skipping {os.path.basename(local_file)} (already exists)') return'Downloading {os.path.basename(local_file)}') try: self._download_with_progress_bar(gdrive_url, local_file, show_progress=show_progress, bytes_per_chunk=bytes_per_chunk) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Skipping {os.path.basename(local_file)} ({e})') raise
def _download_with_progress_bar(self, gdrive_url, local_file, show_progress=True, bytes_per_chunk=1024*1024*5): """ Download while showing a progress bar. """ # TODO: bytes_per_chunk=1024*1024*100 (100 MiB) would match # googleapiclient.http.MediaIoBaseDownload's default chunk size and # seems to be significantly faster than smaller values, suggesting # chunk fetching incurs a large overhead. Unfortunately, such a large # chunk size would prevent the progress bar from updating frequently. # As a compromise, the chunk size used by this method is just 5 MiB, # which is a little larger than is ideal for progress reporting and yet # still noticeably slows downloads. Is there a better solution? # determine where to temporarily save the file during download temp_file = local_file + '.part' logger.debug(f'Temporarily downloading to {temp_file}') # create the containing directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(local_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(local_file)) # locate the Google Drive file file_id = self._get_file_id(gdrive_url) if file_id is None: raise ValueError(f'error locating file on server for account "{self.GetUserEmail()}"') file = self.CreateFile({'id': file_id}) try: with tqdm(total=int(file['fileSize']), unit='B', unit_scale=True) as pbar: def update_pbar(total_transferred, file_size): pbar.n = total_transferred pbar.update() file.GetContentFile(temp_file, callback=update_pbar, chunksize=bytes_per_chunk) except: # the download is likely incomplete, so delete the temporary file if os.path.exists(temp_file): os.remove(temp_file) # raise the exception so that it can be handled elsewhere raise else: # download completed, so move the temp file to the final location shutil.move(temp_file, local_file) def _get_file_id(self, gdrive_url): """ Retrieve the Google Drive ID for the file specified by ``gdrive_url``. """ # verify the url is of the right type scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(gdrive_url).scheme if scheme != 'gdrive': raise ValueError(f'gdrive_url must begin with "gdrive://": {gdrive_url}') # extract drive name ("My Drive" or some Shared Drive) and file path drive_name = urllib.parse.urlparse(gdrive_url).netloc path = urllib.parse.urlparse(gdrive_url).path path = os.path.normpath(path).strip(os.sep).split(os.sep) # find the drive id from its name if not drive_name: raise ValueError('problem parsing drive name') elif drive_name == 'My Drive': drive_id = 'root' else: # search for all Shared Drives with a matching name drives = self.GetSharedDrivesList().get('items', []) drives = [drive for drive in drives if drive['name'] == drive_name] # make sure the drive is unique if len(drives) == 0: raise ValueError(f'drive "{drive_name}" not found on server for account "{self.GetUserEmail()}"') elif len(drives) > 1: raise ValueError(f'ambigous path, multiple drives with name "{drive_name}" exist on server for account "{self.GetUserEmail()}"') else: drive_id = drives[0]['id'] # find the file id from its path by starting at the drive root and # recursively searching for the id of the next folder in the path file_id = reduce(self._get_child_id, path, drive_id) return file_id def _get_child_id(self, parent_id, child_name): """ Retrieve the Google Drive ID for the file or folder named ``child_name`` located in a folder or drive with ID ``parent_id``. """ # search for all files with a matching name and parent id items = self.ListFile({'q': f'title="{child_name}" and "{parent_id}" ' 'in parents and trashed=false'}).GetList() # make sure the file is unique if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError(f'file or folder "{child_name}" not found on server for account "{self.GetUserEmail()}"') elif len(items) > 1: raise ValueError(f'ambiguous path, multiple files or folders with the name "{child_name}" exist under their parent folder on server for account "{self.GetUserEmail()}"') else: child_id = items[0]['id'] return child_id