Source code for neurotic.datasets.ftpauth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic.datasets.ftpauth` module implements a
:mod:`urllib.request`-compatible FTP handler that prompts for and remembers

.. autoclass:: FTPBasicAuthHandler

.. autofunction:: setup_ftpauth

import ftplib
import urllib
from urllib.request import FTPHandler, HTTPPasswordMgr
from urllib.parse import splitport, splituser, unquote

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FTPBasicAuthHandler(FTPHandler): """ This subclass of :class:`urllib.request.FTPHandler` implements basic authentication management for FTP connections. Like :class:`urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler`, this handler for FTP connections has a password manager that it checks for login credentials before connecting to a server. This subclass also ensures that file size is included in the response header, which can fail for some FTP servers if the original :class:`FTPHandler <urllib.request.FTPHandler>` is used. This handler can be installed globally in a Python session so that calls to :func:`urllib.request.urlopen('ftp://...') <urllib.request.urlopen>` will use it automatically: >>> handler = FTPBasicAuthHandler() >>> handler.add_password(None, uri, user, passwd) # realm must be None >>> opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler) >>> urllib.request.install_opener(opener) """ def __init__(self, password_mgr=None): """ Initialize a new FTPBasicAuthHandler. """ if password_mgr is None: password_mgr = HTTPPasswordMgr() self.passwd = password_mgr self.add_password = self.passwd.add_password return super().__init__() def ftp_open(self, req): """ When ftp requests are made using this handler, this function gets called at some point, and it in turn calls the ``connect_ftp`` method. In this subclass's reimplementation of ``connect_ftp``, the FQDN of the request's host is needed for looking up login credentials in the password manager. However, by the time ``connect_ftp`` is called, that information has been stripped away, and the host argument passed to ``connect_ftp`` contains only the host's IP address instead of the FQDN. This reimplementation of ``ftp_open``, which is little more than a copy-and-paste from the superclass's implementation, captures the original host FQDN before it is replaced with the IP address and saves it for later use. This reimplementation also ensures that the file size appears in the response header by querying for it directly. For some FTP servers the original implementation should handle this (``retrlen`` should contain the file size). However, for others this can fail silently due to the server response not matching an anticipated regular expression. """ import sys import email import socket from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.parse import splitattr, splitpasswd, splitvalue from urllib.response import addinfourl #################################################### # COPIED FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open (PYTHON 3.6.6) # # WITH JUST A FEW ADDITIONS # #################################################### import ftplib import mimetypes host = if not host: raise URLError('ftp error: no host given') host, port = splitport(host) if port is None: port = ftplib.FTP_PORT else: port = int(port) # username/password handling user, host = splituser(host) if user: user, passwd = splitpasswd(user) else: passwd = None host = unquote(host) user = user or '' passwd = passwd or '' ############################################ # DIFFERENT FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open # save the host FQDN for later self.last_req_host = host ############################################ try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) except OSError as msg: raise URLError(msg) path, attrs = splitattr(req.selector) dirs = path.split('/') dirs = list(map(unquote, dirs)) dirs, file = dirs[:-1], dirs[-1] if dirs and not dirs[0]: dirs = dirs[1:] try: fw = self.connect_ftp(user, passwd, host, port, dirs, req.timeout) type = file and 'I' or 'D' for attr in attrs: attr, value = splitvalue(attr) if attr.lower() == 'type' and \ value in ('a', 'A', 'i', 'I', 'd', 'D'): type = value.upper() ############################################ # DIFFERENT FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open size = fw.ftp.size(file) ############################################ fp, retrlen = fw.retrfile(file, type) headers = "" mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(req.full_url)[0] if mtype: headers += "Content-type: %s\n" % mtype if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0: headers += "Content-length: %d\n" % retrlen ############################################ # DIFFERENT FROM FTPHandler.ftp_open elif size is not None and size >= 0: headers += "Content-length: %d\n" % size ############################################ headers = email.message_from_string(headers) return addinfourl(fp, headers, req.full_url) except ftplib.all_errors as exp: exc = URLError('ftp error: %r' % exp) raise exc.with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) def connect_ftp(self, user, passwd, host, port, dirs, timeout): """ Unless authentication credentials are provided in the request URL (``ftp://user:passwd@host/path``), this method will be called with empty user and passwd arguments. In that case, this reimplementation of ``connect_ftp`` checks the password manager for credentials matching the ``last_req_host`` (the host argument will be an IP address instead of the FQDN and is thereby useless if the password manager is keyed by FQDN). """ if not user and not passwd: user, passwd = self.passwd.find_user_password(None, self.last_req_host) return super().connect_ftp(user, passwd, host, port, dirs, timeout)
[docs]def setup_ftpauth(): """ Install :class:`neurotic.datasets.ftpauth.FTPBasicAuthHandler` as the global default FTP handler. Note that :func:`urllib.request.install_opener` used here will remove all other non-default handlers installed in a different opener, such as an :class:`urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler`. """ handler = FTPBasicAuthHandler() opener = urllib.request.build_opener(handler) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) return handler