Source code for neurotic.gui.standalone

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`neurotic.gui.standalone` module implements the main window of the

.. autoclass:: MainWindow

import os
import gc
import platform
import subprocess
import pkg_resources

import quantities as pq
import elephant
from ephyviewer import QT, QT_MODE

from .. import __version__
from ..datasets import MetadataSelector, load_dataset
from ..datasets.metadata import _selector_labels
from ..gui.config import EphyviewerConfigurator

[docs]class MainWindow(QT.QMainWindow): """ The main window of the app. """ request_download = QT.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, file=None, initial_selection=None, lazy=True, theme='light', support_increased_line_width=False): """ Initialize a new MainWindow. """ QT.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setWindowIcon(QT.QIcon(':/neurotic-logo-150.png')) self.setWindowTitle('neurotic') self.resize(600, 300) # lazy loading using Neo RawIO self.lazy = lazy # available themes are 'light', 'dark', and 'original' self.theme = theme # support_increased_line_width=True eliminates the extremely poor # performance associated with TraceViewer's line_width > 1.0, but it # also degrades overall performance somewhat and uses a mode of # pyqtgraph that is reportedly unstable self.support_increased_line_width = support_increased_line_width # windows are appended to this list so that they persist after the # function that spawned them returns = [] # metadata selector self.metadata_selector = _MetadataSelectorQt() self.setCentralWidget(self.metadata_selector) # create a worker thread for downloading data self.download_thread = QT.QThread() self.download_worker = _DownloadWorker(self.metadata_selector) self.download_worker.moveToThread(self.download_thread) self.request_download.connect( self.download_worker.download_finished.connect(self.on_download_finished) # construct the menus self.create_menus() # open metadata file if file is not None: # try the user-specified file self.metadata_selector.file = file self.metadata_selector.load() if self.metadata_selector.all_metadata is None: # use an example metadata file if the user-specified file failed to # load or one was not provided self.metadata_selector.file = pkg_resources.resource_filename('neurotic', 'example/metadata.yml') self.metadata_selector.load() # select a dataset if the user provided one if initial_selection is not None: try: self.metadata_selector.setCurrentRow(list(self.metadata_selector.all_metadata).index(initial_selection)) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: print('Bad dataset key, will ignore:', e) def create_menus(self): """ Construct the menus of the app. """ self.file_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('&File')) do_open_metadata = QT.QAction('&Open metadata', self, shortcut = 'Ctrl+O') do_open_metadata.triggered.connect(self.open_metadata) self.file_menu.addAction(do_open_metadata) do_edit_metadata = QT.QAction('&Edit metadata', self, shortcut = 'Ctrl+E') do_edit_metadata.triggered.connect(self.edit_metadata) self.file_menu.addAction(do_edit_metadata) do_reload_metadata = QT.QAction('&Reload metadata', self, shortcut = 'Ctrl+R') do_reload_metadata.triggered.connect(self.metadata_selector.load) self.file_menu.addAction(do_reload_metadata) self.do_download_data = QT.QAction('&Download data', self, shortcut = 'Ctrl+D') self.do_download_data.triggered.connect(self.download_files) self.file_menu.addAction(self.do_download_data) self.do_open_directory = QT.QAction('Open data &folder', self, shortcut = 'Ctrl+F') self.do_open_directory.triggered.connect(self.open_directory) self.file_menu.addAction(self.do_open_directory) do_launch = QT.QAction('&Launch', self, shortcut = 'Return') do_launch.triggered.connect(self.launch) self.file_menu.addAction(do_launch) self.options_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('&Options')) do_toggle_lazy = QT.QAction('&Fast loading (disables filters, spike detection, RAUC)', self) do_toggle_lazy.setCheckable(True) do_toggle_lazy.setChecked(self.lazy) do_toggle_lazy.triggered.connect(self.toggle_lazy) self.options_menu.addAction(do_toggle_lazy) do_toggle_support_increased_line_width = QT.QAction('&Thick traces (worse performance)', self) do_toggle_support_increased_line_width.setCheckable(True) do_toggle_support_increased_line_width.setChecked(self.support_increased_line_width) do_toggle_support_increased_line_width.triggered.connect(self.toggle_support_increased_line_width) self.options_menu.addAction(do_toggle_support_increased_line_width) self.theme_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('&Theme')) self.theme_group = QT.QActionGroup(self.theme_menu) do_select_light_theme = self.theme_menu.addAction('&Light theme') do_select_light_theme.setCheckable(True) do_select_light_theme.triggered.connect(self.select_light_theme) self.theme_group.addAction(do_select_light_theme) do_select_dark_theme = self.theme_menu.addAction('&Dark theme') do_select_dark_theme.setCheckable(True) do_select_dark_theme.triggered.connect(self.select_dark_theme) self.theme_group.addAction(do_select_dark_theme) do_select_original_theme = self.theme_menu.addAction('&Original theme') do_select_original_theme.setCheckable(True) do_select_original_theme.triggered.connect(self.select_original_theme) self.theme_group.addAction(do_select_original_theme) if self.theme == 'light': do_select_light_theme.setChecked(True) elif self.theme == 'dark': do_select_dark_theme.setChecked(True) elif self.theme == 'original': do_select_original_theme.setChecked(True) else: raise ValueError('theme "{}" is unrecognized'.format(self.theme)) self.help_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('&Help')) do_show_about = QT.QAction('&About neurotic', self) do_show_about.triggered.connect(self.show_about) self.help_menu.addAction(do_show_about) def open_metadata(self): """ Open and load a metadata file. """ file, _ = QT.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent=self, caption='Open metadata', directory=None, filter='YAML files (*.yml *.yaml)') if file: self.metadata_selector.file = file self.metadata_selector.load() def edit_metadata(self): """ Open the metadata file in an editor. """ path = self.metadata_selector.file try: if platform.system() == "Windows": os.startfile(path) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(["open", path]) else: subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path]) except FileNotFoundError as e: print('The metadata file was not found:', e) return def download_files(self): """ Download all files for the selected dataset in a separate thread. """ self.download_thread.start() self.request_download.emit() self.do_download_data.setText('&Download in progress!') self.do_download_data.setEnabled(False) def on_download_finished(self): """ Cleanup download thread and reload the metadata list content to update file indicators. """ self.download_thread.quit() self.metadata_selector.load() self.do_download_data.setText('&Download data') self.do_download_data.setEnabled(True) def open_directory(self): """ Open the directory of the selected dataset in Win Explorer / Mac Finder. """ metadata = self.metadata_selector.selected_metadata path = metadata['data_dir'] try: if platform.system() == "Windows": os.startfile(path) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": subprocess.Popen(["open", path]) else: subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path]) except FileNotFoundError as e: print('The directory for the selected dataset was not found ' \ 'locally, perhaps because it does not exist yet:', e) def launch(self): """ Load data for the selected dataset and launch the ephyviewer window. """ metadata = self.metadata_selector.selected_metadata try: blk = load_dataset(metadata, lazy=self.lazy) rauc_sigs = [] if not self.lazy: for sig in blk.segments[0].analogsignals: rauc = elephant.signal_processing.rauc(sig, bin_duration = 0.1*pq.s) = + ' RAUC' rauc_sigs.append(rauc) ephyviewer_config = EphyviewerConfigurator(metadata, blk, rauc_sigs, self.lazy) ephyviewer_config.show_all() win = ephyviewer_config.create_ephyviewer_window(theme=self.theme, support_increased_line_width=self.support_increased_line_width) win.destroyed.connect(lambda qobject, i=len( self.free_resources(i)) except FileNotFoundError as e: print('Some files were not found locally and may need to be ' \ 'downloaded:', e) def show_about(self): """ Display the "About neurotic" message box. """ import elephant import ephyviewer import neo import numpy import pyqtgraph try: pyqt_version = QT.PYQT_VERSION_STR except AttributeError: pyqt_version = 'unknown' title = 'About neurotic' urls = {} urls['Docs'] = '' urls['GitHub'] = '' urls['GitHub issues'] = '' urls['GitHub user'] = '' urls['PyPI'] = '' urls['Release notes'] = '' text = f""" <h2>neurotic {__version__}</h2> <p><i>Curate, visualize, annotate, and share <br/> your behavioral ephys data using Python</i></p> <p>Author: Jeffrey Gill (<a href='{urls['GitHub user']}'>@jpgill86</a>)</p> <p>Websites: <a href='{urls['GitHub']}'>GitHub</a> | <a href='{urls['PyPI']}'>PyPI</a> | <a href='{urls['Docs']}'>Documentation</a> | <a href='{urls['Release notes']}'>Release Notes</a></p> <p>Please post any questions, problems, comments, <br/> or suggestions in the <a href='{urls['GitHub issues']}'>GitHub issue tracker</a>.</p> <p>Installed dependencies:</p> <table width='80%' align='center'> <tr><td>elephant</td> <td>{elephant.__version__}</td></tr> <tr><td>ephyviewer</td> <td>{ephyviewer.__version__}</td></tr> <tr><td>neo</td> <td>{neo.__version__}</td></tr> <tr><td>numpy</td> <td>{numpy.__version__}</td></tr> <tr><td>{QT_MODE.lower()}</td> <td>{pyqt_version}</td></tr> <tr><td>pyqtgraph</td> <td>{pyqtgraph.__version__}</td></tr> </table> """ QT.QMessageBox.about(self, title, text) def toggle_lazy(self, checked): self.lazy = checked def toggle_support_increased_line_width(self, checked): self.support_increased_line_width = checked def select_light_theme(self): self.theme = 'light' def select_dark_theme(self): self.theme = 'dark' def select_original_theme(self): self.theme = 'original' def free_resources(self, i): """ Run garbage collection to unlock files and free memory for the closed window with index ``i``. Data files opened by Neo in lazy mode remain locked for as long as the RawIO objects pointing to them exist in memory. Normally such objects would be automatically garbage collected when they go out of scope, i.e., when the window that created them is closed. However, due to an issue in Neo, circular references to these objects are always created, so they persist even after the window is closed. This function performs a manual garbage collection after a window has been closed to clean up any lingering Neo objects that keep files locked. For more info about the issue, see """ # first remove the last remaining reference to the closed window[i] = None # run garbage collection gc.collect()
class _MetadataSelectorQt(MetadataSelector, QT.QListWidget): """ A QListWidget that displays the state of a MetadataSelector. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize a new _MetadataSelectorQt. """ MetadataSelector.__init__(self) QT.QListWidget.__init__(self) self.setSelectionMode(QT.QListWidget.SingleSelection) self.setStyleSheet('font: 9pt Courier;') self.currentRowChanged.connect(self._on_select) def _on_select(self, currentRow): """ Update the MetadataSelector's selection after changing the QListWidget's selection. """ if currentRow >= 0: self._selection = list(self.all_metadata)[currentRow] else: self._selection = None def load(self): """ Load or reload the metadata file and populate the QListWidget. """ # remember the current selection old_selection = self._selection try: MetadataSelector.load(self) except Exception as e: print('Bad metadata file:', e) if self.all_metadata is not None: # clear and repopulate the list, # which triggers the selection to change self.clear() for label in _selector_labels(self.all_metadata): QT.QListWidgetItem(label, self) if old_selection in self.all_metadata: # reselect the original selection if it still exists self.setCurrentRow(list(self.all_metadata).index(old_selection)) else: # otherwise select the first item self.setCurrentRow(0) class _DownloadWorker(QT.QObject): """ A thread worker for downloading data files. """ download_finished = QT.pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, metadata_selector): """ Initialize a new _DownloadWorker. """ QT.QObject.__init__(self) self.metadata_selector = metadata_selector def download(self): """ Download all files and emit a signal when complete. """ self.metadata_selector.download_all_data_files() self.download_finished.emit()