
neurotic requires Python 3.6 or later. It needs PyAV, which is most easily installed from conda-forge. It also does not explicitly list any of its dependencies within the package metadata [1], so they must be installed manually.

To install PyAV and all other dependencies, use these commands (pip may raise a non-fatal error that can be ignored; see [2]):

conda install -c conda-forge av
pip install "elephant>=0.6.2" "ephyviewer>=1.1.0" "neo>=0.7.2" numpy packaging pandas pylttb pyqt5 pyyaml quantities tqdm

Finally, install the latest release version of neurotic from PyPI, using

pip install -U neurotic

or install the latest development version from GitHub using

pip install -U git+
[1]Before neurotic can be configured to automatically install dependencies, an upstream library conflict must be fixed. This should be resolved soon; until then, dependencies can be installed manually.
[2]The following warning may appear during dependency installation but can be ignored because the incompatibility between these versions is trivial: ERROR: elephant 0.6.2 has requirement neo<0.8.0,<=0.7.1, but you'll have neo 0.7.2 which is incompatible. This is related to the upstream library conflict previously mentioned.