Getting Started

If you installed neurotic into a conda environment, first activate it:

conda activate <environment name>

Launch the standalone app from the command line:


A simple example is provided. Select the “example dataset”, download the associated data (~7 MB), and then click “Launch”. See User Interface for help with navigation.

Disabling “Fast loading” before launch will enable additional features including amplitude-threshold spike detection and signal filtering.

The command line interface accepts arguments as well:

usage: neurotic [-h] [-V] [--no-lazy] [--thick-traces]
                [--theme {light,dark,original}]
                [file] [dataset]

neurotic lets you curate, visualize, and annotate your behavioral ephys data.

positional arguments:
  file                  the path to a metadata YAML file (default: an example
  dataset               the name of a dataset in the metadata file to select
                        initially (default: the first entry in the metadata

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --no-lazy             do not use fast loading (default: use fast loading)
  --thick-traces        enable support for traces with thick lines, which has
                        a performance cost (default: disable thick line
  --theme {light,dark,original}
                        a color theme for the GUI (default: light)